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Please share this email and send to your contacts...Alert, Alert: Need Prayer Chain and Action--Call For All Concerned Alabamians to Come Stand With Us Against The Proposed Comprehensive Counseling Guidance--Location--Front of Gordon Persons Building in Montgomery, Alabama on Nov 12th-Wednesday at noon. Please ask your church and Pastors to pray for what you hear in the Dr. Pesta interview as being planned for our state. It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. Luke 17:2 Plans are being made for the children, while parents and teachers will be under force to comply? Please listen to incredibly enlightening interview with Dr. Duke Pesta it and share. There is a proposal by Dr. Bice to pass a Comprehensive Counseling Guidance. It is very bad--some would say worse than Common Core. It is another tentacle of the Common Core State Standards Initiative and the implications are very disturbing. Please listen to part 1 of the interview. Please join Stop Common Core in Alabama on facebook if youve not already done so. Please listen to interview at your convenience (while cleaning the house etc.). Please share and lets get more informed as the situation is now on the worst level imaginable. If I could I would be screaming the house is on fire--it is that bad. Listen to Dr. Pestas interview and please pray and share the info with your Pastor so that your church will know the seachange that is fixing to happen if we allow it. When prayer was taken out of schools---was there even a whisper raised against it? We hope you will add your voice and together we can be very loud in telling Dr. Bice NO to the Comprehensive Counseling Guidance. It is a Trojan Horse and will destroy. Links to below interviews are at blogtalkradio/cityonahill Dr. Duke Pesta Part I Article on more info on Comprehensive Counseling Interview with Professor Jim Milgram (top Mathematic Expert in the country--warning danger to businesses) Interview with Professor Sandra Stotsky (top ELA Expert in the country--gives the story of how Governor Riley signed on before standards were written and other disturbing details) Interview with Donna Garner and Henry Burke--Education and Finance Expert on Common Core and new AP US History Linda Murphy about the in-house Mental Health Please go to there to find many interviews for your resources. Please click on this if you need help in presenting to your Pastor...cityonahill.squarespace/common-core-resourcestoolbox/category/sharing-common-core-with-pastor Hosea people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.. If possible please let us know if we can count on you to be there. If you cant please contact someone who will...numbers will matter. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:29:19 +0000

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