Please share this on your newscast! Shadarobah Horse Rescue needs - TopicsExpress


Please share this on your newscast! Shadarobah Horse Rescue needs serious help! Thank you, everyone, for your support and concern! I am hoping that I can help everyone to understand what is happening! If you are a Shadarobah follower, then you know that we feel very strongly about not posting judgemental or negative comments about anyone or anything. It pains me that I dont think I can explain the situation without doing that. Our land contract expired almost 2 years ago. We were close to receiving our 501C3 and thought this would dramatically change the daily financial struggle of caring for the horses. When we finally received that tax deductible status, we began looking into grants and other programs, only to find that an organization needs to have the 501c3 status for at least 1 year to be eligible for every grant we could find. You may have seen a recent snip on the news that talked about us reaching that point. What the news didnt say, that we asked them to, was how much we were struggling, that we dont have government funding, and that these horses rely solely on donations and fundraisers. Moving on, we entered into a court agreement (in good faith) with the property owner. He knew our offer when we signed the agreement. The offer included the purchase of the adjoining property. The person financing the purchase needed the entire property to protect himself if we leave. We would then have ample time to launch a campaign to purchase from the new owner, would have all of the property we need, and the current owner would be satisfied. It was a win, win, win! I hate to say it but we got taken. The current owner did not fulfill the verbal commitments he made, ie. getting an appraisal. We obtained our own market analysis and also offered to expand the dollar amount through creative financing. The owner stopped responding because he didnt want to pay anymore attorney fees. When he contacted our attorney directly, our attorney was reprimanded for answering him. We were desperate to open a new line of communication, and attempted to do so through the owners wife. She told us she would call us back last Thursday. She did not. Instead, the two of them showed up at the rescue on Saturday, March 15th, at approximately 12:45 pm, spewing a long list of untruths. (Including that we didnt call her). We had no idea that these people were this dishonest! How does one deal with that? His wife demanded that we provide the money by 5:00 yesterday. Which is clearly insane. They eliminated our buyer, by refusing to sell the whole property at once, and claim that if they cant have all the money they are asking for, they plan to bull doze the barn and develop the land. Never in a million years, did we see it coming to this. We offered fair market value, and have also paid a substantial amount of money, plus thousands of dollars worth of improvements. Yet, here we are. We cant find out anymore about a forced removal until Monday, we already tried. Nor will we know about the timeline until then. We are assuming that the good faith agreement we signed will be a factor. The bottom line........ While focusing on making sure the horses have a home, we have now missed 4 of our fund raisers. Funds we desperately need to feed and care for them! Donations for hay, grain, hoof care, etc. are needed now more than ever! The plan? We are currently looking for another location that can accommodate an organization of this magnitude. We are desperately trying to raise funds. No matter what happens, we have an obligation, to the over 40 animals homed here. Moving them, is going to be an expensive undertaking! If everyone that has read about this so far, gave 10 dollars, we would have $10,000 toward moving and caring for them! That is the power of the people that care! We are also looking for temporary foster homes as a back up plan. While doing all of this, we must continue to care for these animals that are counting on us! We promise to keep you posted, as more information becomes available! Want to help? Donate $10 Ask your friends to donate $10 Have them ask their friends to donate $10 Know anyone who can foster? Private message us on Facebook or email us Know of a possible property the horses can move to? Call us Have a spare hour? Come help care for the horses Shadarobah is the home of miracles, and still can be with your help!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:28:42 +0000

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