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Please share this time sensitive information with advocates and family members. Passage of the ABLE Act could be a game changer for people with disabilities and their families. TAKE ACTION NOW: Contact US House Speaker John Boehner to Bring the ABLE Act for a Vote! The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act would ease the financial burden for individuals with disabilities by creating tax-free accounts that can be used to save for disability-related expenses. These accounts can be created by individuals to support themselves or by families to support their dependents. The bill would create tax-exempt, state based private savings accounts to fund disability-related expenses to supplement benefits currently provided by Social Security, Medicaid, employers, and private insurance. The account would be treated in the same way as a qualified tuition program, such as a 529. A 529 account allows families to save money for an individual’s education without being disqualified for certain aid programs and prevents tax penalties on the money saved and any income earned from it. Expenses would qualify as disability-related if they are for the benefit of an individual with a disability and are related to the disability. They include education; housing; transportation; employment support; health, prevention, and wellness costs; assistive technology and personal support services; and other expenses. ABLE accounts will have no impact on Medicaid eligibility. Those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from Social Security would have those payments suspended while maintaining excess resources in an ABLE account. Speaker John Boehner: Leadership Office: (202) 225-0600 Email: The ABLE Act currently has 381 cosponsors in the House and 74 in the Senate. The ABLE Act is closer than ever to being brought to the floor for a vote and passed. It has passed several hurdles moving closer to the finish line over the last few months. The Senate Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Taxation chaired by Senator Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA), held a hearing on the ABLE Act on July 23rd where NDSS Board Member and Self-Advocate Sara Wolff testified. The House Ways and Means Committee unanimously voted the ABLE Act out of committee through Mark-up on July 31st. On September 19th, the Senate Committee on Finance published a press release on the ABLE Act and will work to be brought to a vote once Congress returns from recess and after the election. We published an action alert today for advocates to contact House Leaders Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy asking for ABLE to be brought to the floor for a vote next week! Here is the action alert information. The goal is for the ABLE Act to be brought to the House floor for a vote under suspension next week. With over 85% of the entire Congress supports - it the time is now!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:36:09 +0000

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