Please share this to anyone you know who lives in Oregon or - TopicsExpress


Please share this to anyone you know who lives in Oregon or Washington. I am the man who owned the dog Dave “Wave” dba Northwest Pack Leader Training Services of Aloha, Oregon, had put down two weeks ago—the dog he claimed was “dangerous to all humans,” (theDude had never bit anyone outside of the home it was his job to protect and would let children he had never met crawl all over him.) Wave did this without getting my consent first. This “man”--Dave Wave-- denied me the chance, as related below, to say goodbye that he praises so highly. I will not tolerate this sanctimonious hypocrisy one minute longer. Because Dave Wave, the name he uses instead of his real name, was scared of my boy--theDude--he was directly responsible for the last half a day of theDudes life being spent in absolute terror. He was scared of him because theDude had bit him previously. TheDudes job was to protect my home. It was theDudes over protectiveness which I placed him with Wave to turn around. Apparently this so undermined Waves self-image of being an expert dog trainer that he had already stated that theDude needed to be put down. Never directly to me. Notice that he gave up on another one and sent it home in a muzzle two days ago, (not the kind he wanted to put on theDude) and that hes laying the groundwork to have an excuse to kill another one. Dave Wave Sunday, October 26 at 8:45pm · Handsome girl. Struggling with prey drive issues. Sees some dogs as prey regardless of size. Its the skittering movement. Engaged in strategy of systematic desensitization. Odds for trust with other dogs ever? With me she is safe until we see one way or the other. I just dont know yet. Dave Wave By the she is looking at my mini poodle like he is a of her very favorites. She is a hunter. Its who she is. Can she fit into a lifestyle with other dogs ever again? Maybe...maybe not. Dont know yet. What are the options if not? She is so can anyone of good conscience allow the threat to other dogs continue to exist. I have had her some time now and she gives all indications she can be friends with some dogs. And...she seems more tolerant of some...but with others, no change. Tough case. special place in my heart for pits in general, but moreover the heart inside her human. It is breaking over this.” Had he been honest with himself he would never have undertaken to turn around a dog he was so scared of. He had the dog put up every time he came over to my house. Had I been more conscious about what was going on with him I never would have let Wave even make the attempt. Among other things he had he most restrictive type of muzzle,which also happened to be a size too small, never mind using a less extreme but still functional muzzle, as she recommends, put on a dog who had never been desensitized to a muzzle says this should NEVER be done, especially to an imbalanced dog. (Diana Edwards DogBehaviorist, the woman about whom he says “Anyone in Socal needs doggy help this kind lady is the real deal. “ This would indicate that he believes she knows what shes talking about.), He then had theDude put in a crate which had been peed on for years by a dog which had tried to kill theDude while he was sleeping. Then he took a dog with known extreme separation anxiety (I was theDudes sixth home) away from the person he had only been separated from for 5 days in 2 1/2 years and put that dog, an anxious car rider, in a car and stopped for lunch along the way while he called around to see who he could find to kill the dog, WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. What expert dog trainer specializing in difficult cases doesnt try to learn everything he can about that dogs history before taking them on? Anyone in Socal needs doggy help this kind lady is the real deal. (quote from Dave “Wave”) Diana Edwards DogBehaviorist Chat Conversation Start October 13th, 11:17pm Michael Wolf Segal Im trying to get a clear picture of something in my head. Would you ever undertake turning a dog around which you had already said you felt should be put down? How about if that dog had bitten you and you had, repeatedly, needed it to be locked in another room to feel safe?? Would you direct that a tight wire, rather than a basket type, muzzle be put on a dog with no prior desensitization to ANY kind of muzzle? Would you ever presume to call Animal control to come get a dog without consulting the owner first? October 14th, 9:16am Diana Edwards DogBehaviorist Hi there - I NEVER [emphasis added] recommended a dog should be put down and I certainly have dealt with the most severe aggression cases. However Ive been in situations before that I was working with owners and we needed to use muzzles . I had a very severe case that I took on two years ago and set a protocol in place to work with the owners and dog -idiopathic aggression , very difficult. but I wanted to give the dog a chance. Anyway husband couldnt deal with it and he backed out , and had the dog euthanize. Sometimes if youre dealing with a severe genetic issue of aggression and not everyone in on board ( the family ) , then its perhaps best for euthanasia. OR for a rescue to take the dog on and have a behaviorist rehabilitate the dog. But safety is always a priority . - A dog must always be desensitized with a muzzle. It needs to be a very positive experience for the already imbalanced dog . - Muzzles should be the basket wire type , so the dog can still drink and take a treat thru it. - Hope this helps” They never even got to Waves place, he pulled around the corner and started calling places to have theDudeput down. Wave browbeat the friend of mine who was driving him into letting him call to have the dog put down rather than bring him back to me, To spare him the pain because he just cant accept that it needs to be done. Thats right, a self proclaimed professional dog behaviorist had someone elses dog put down without that persons permission. I wont deny that a piece of why Im making this known is because I hate Wave for my boy dying at the end of a stick with his head in a noose after a ride in the dark in an Animal Control truck. For those who have never truly hated, it means that I am going to do everything I can legally do to make his life miserable. More importantly is that I am not going to allow either someone who has said that hed rather beat a dogs skull in than use a gentler method of breaking up a fight. He recently bragged about breaking a stick over a dogs head. “I ordered an extra long one and it was perfect...except it was a bit light weight for the work I am doing and the lower end broke off. I doubt it would have done so during normal use...but what I do is not normal. Wait. Again I go just this much too far. Big mouth.” Almost forgot he has one of my other dogs and now claims shes his. StarStar, the dog in the videos. I have her papers because she belongs to me, not anyone else. He says he plans to turn her around and then give her to someone else. If he does Ill charge him with theft. Heres what the worlds foremost expert on fatal dog attacks—James Crosby-- has to say about the whole thing. “What a head case. There is just so much wrong here. Is this behaviorist certified by anyone? In my book unless you have a DVM or a PhD you arent a behaviorist. This guy sounds like hes not even a good dog trainer. Not sure how I can help but feel free to call me. My number is .... “ Please, Share this with everyone you know who lives in Oregon and especially to any dog rescue services you know of. For the sake of his next untrainable victim. The woman I referred to earlier says she has NEVER counseled that a dog be put down and Wave has had two done-in just this year while claiming to have done it only 3 or 4 times in the last 5 years. If you want to tell him what you think of what he did his phone number is 503-839-3912
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:56:36 +0000

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