Please share you just might reach someone who you didnt even now - TopicsExpress


Please share you just might reach someone who you didnt even now needed help! I found this on FB and I found it deeming to pass on. My oldest son is in Federal Prison and has been for last 7 yrs. Matter of fact the day after Thanksgiving is when he committed his crime. Its funny what sticks out in your mind when things like this happen. On to what I was saying: This reminded me of my sons story in a way. I am not condoning what he did by no means but I am sorry it took something like that to give him a WAKE-UP CALL. I am thankful that I can go visit him and see and touch him I very well could be one of these parents having to go visit a grave versus a prison. That is the road he was heading down Deaths Road. I thank GOD for his intervention. If it wasnt for his intervention I KNOW I would have buried him years ago. My point to all this is to say its not just him doing hard time he left behind 2 kids one son and one daughter. They are older now but left behind all the same. Countless days and nights of crying and asking for their daddy. My family has pulled together to make sure things were taken care of for them. Thank you!! We all suffer because of what he done and then as time went on so many others that followed the road to the prison we all suffer again just different person different child or children left behind by Father Or Mother maybe not a family member maybe a neighbors child or co-workers child. Please Young and Old alike stop all this craziness yall have going on. The Beefs because of stupid stuff anyone can pull and shoot a gun for example but when you fire it and kill someone you cant go back and change your action or bring that person back. Again road circles back to person going to prison family and child(ren) left behind from both sides. The side the person who commited crime and person who was killed. Stop getting upset over things that at the end of the day isnt going to matter one or 2 days even weeks from now. Do you want your child or family member like this girl was in this video?? I guessing not. Lets protect our children and family from this it starts with us!! I hope this wakes up someones daughter or son!! Be Blessed!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:04:33 +0000

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