Please sign my pensioners petitions, below: Britain’s - TopicsExpress


Please sign my pensioners petitions, below: Britain’s pension shame: UK state pensions are the LOWEST in Europe - and even Slovenia and Slovakia give their old people more • Report says that is almost £70 below what is a living state pension • Nations such as Slovenia, Hungary and Slovakia offer more generous deals • Salary replaced by UK pension is 32.6%, compared to 67.9% in Slovakia We should be taking this issue on, on behalf of our elderly people. Please sign these two petitions below to help get better State pensions for our elderly people. Number of signatures: 900 What a disgraceful amount of signatures since November last year. We deserve everything we get in this country. Self interest reigns. Closing: 06/11/2014: The UKs State pension for our elderly people is a national disgrace at just £107 a week. With demeaning and humiliating means tested handouts, if pensioners cannot live on what they receive ? This is not topical, so it wont be in todays newspapers. And Its been ongoing for over 30 years. And its been primarily ignored by the BBC media. This affects your Grandparents generation now. And it will affect your future and your childrens future. Millions of pensioners refuse the humiliation and degradation of the means test. Millions have and are going without food to pay their bills. And going without heat, to eat. Its a disgrace, but largely over the past three decades, the able- bodied British have ignored their plight because it didnt effect them, but now it does. As this right wing Tory lead coalition under cover of reducing the deficit, attack our welfare State, and diminish the role of the State in the name of austerity. Please sign my petition below to help our War veterans and all pensioners. Please sign the petition and pass it on to people you know, and would you also please keep the momentum up. We owe our very existence to our War veterans. We should be fighting for them. Read the statistics below, they will astound & shock you. Millions of elderly people in Britain today are having to choose between eating, and heating their homes because the State pension is so low. And whats more the media are sweeping this issue under the carpet. Cold kills 200 British pensioners a day during winter. Nine elderly people die from cold related illnesses, against a backdrop of soaring energy bills. The Governments future 2016 State pensions policy is inadequate and will be two tier. Todays pensioners will continue to receive a meagre State pension and means tested handouts, only future pensioners will receive a £144 a week State pension based on contributions made, and means testing will be abolished. So the UKs existing 12 million pensioners will continue to be more worse off than their EU counterparts whose State pensions are much higher. I’m sure that a lot of elderly people believe they will be getting this full Universal State pension come April 2016. But they wont. This only applies to new pensioners from 2016. When The Chancellor announced plans for the new state pension, he and all the media called it the Universal state pension. The rate would be £144 (at today’s rates), and it would be payable to all pensioners from April 2016. Now, that is what myself and others understood Universal to mean. There was no announcement stating that this would only apply to new pensioners, and more importantly, that the amount payable would still be based on your national insurance contributions – needing 35 years contributions to get the full payment. Britain is part of Europe at a cost of £60 million per day after net rebate, yet UK pensioners are not allowed to receive and enjoy Europes much higher State pensions. This is wrong!. As we are a part of Europe, Britains State pension should be upgraded accordingly. There is an EU ruling which says that all pensioners of the EU should be treated the same regardless of where they now live. This is how we are compared to the rest of Europe. STATE PENSION AS A PROPORTION OF AVERAGE WAGE 2007 COUNTRY % OF AV EARNINGS. Greece 95.7 % Luxemburg 88.3 % Netherlands 81.9 % Spain 81.2 % Denmark 79.8 % Italy 67.9 % Sweden 62.1 % EU AVERAGE 60% % France 51.2 % Germany 39.9 % Estonia 32.9 % Ireland 32.5 % UK 30% Country Pension Pay Avg Men & Woman. Spain £26,630 £23,491 113% 65 65 Germany £26,366 £29,366 90% 65 65 France £15,811 £29,817 53% 60 60 N’lands £10,981 £35,627 31% 65 65 Denmark £11,381 £45,661 25% 65 65 Ireland £10,415 £41,803 25% 65 65 UK £7,488 £31,413 24% 65 62 Greece £3,756 £17,772 21% 65 65 Nothing has changed for Britains pensioners, millions of UK pensioners still live in poverty on a much lower State pension than European pensioners receive. I have a website dedicated to how badly Britains pensioners have been treated since the 80s and Thatcher, the reasons/s why ?, and the desperate need for young people to be made aware and join the 30 year fight for better State pensions for our elderly people. There is also a political section for your views, and a petition on my site that needs signatures, and its on the same issue. My site is free to join, and free to comment on all postings I would like you please to join my site and take part in commenting.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 14:53:18 +0000

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