Please take a moment to read IT PAYS TO LOVE THOSE WHO HAVE - TopicsExpress


Please take a moment to read IT PAYS TO LOVE THOSE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG Intro; One cannot be loving and just without paying price. It is the price which shows how loving and just that person is. Many people profess to be loving and just while they can’t pay price for that. In the sight of men, a person to be loved becomes fool in times of paying price. Why should Jesus die for the sinners and not let them alone to die for their own sins? Why should He pray for forgiveness for those who insulted and disgraced Him? The Bible says, for God so loved the world that He paid the price. Gen 42; 16-25, Gen 50; 15-21 tells the story about Joseph and his brothers, how he was maltreated and sold into slavery. His brothers thought they were going to be punished and repaid, but Joseph knew that it always pays to be-loving those who had done you wrong. Note that - - 1. He had every right and power to punish them, and to cast them out from his presence but he did not. 2. He ate with them on the same day 3. He showed kindness to them by given back their money 4. He promised to look after them and all that they had But after the death of their father, they thought they were going to be repaid therefore they went to him and plead that they would not be repaid of their hatred and envy they showed to him. They were even afraid according to Gen 43; 18-21 when Joseph ordered his people to take them to his residence. Their guilty conscience suspected that evil was determined against them. Therefore they immediately wanted to clear themselves before Joseph came. Again they remembered the law of sowing and reaping, but Joseph knew that God is the avenger. Beloved, you cannot be a loving and a just man without paying price. Jesus said, ‘love your enemies’. The most price to pay is to forgive and forget, and to do good to your enemies. Therefore – 1. Make every effort to pay the price of being loving and just 2. Leave all injustices to God, for He is the avenger. Do not repay sin - Rom 12; 17-21 3. Do not listen to what people will say when you are paying the price. Some people may insult you, and others shall provoke you to anger but you should not listen to them - 1Pet 4; 14 By Pastor Joseph Mensah [Grace Bible Revival Church, Ghana] For questions call Tel: +233244750103 or https://facebook/joseph.mensah.1293 Be an evangelist, share with friends
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:05:44 +0000

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