Please take the time to learn who and what the Rothschilds family - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to learn who and what the Rothschilds family (Zionists) truly are. American Christians must separate blind support for the Rothschilds created, owned and controlled government we falsely refer to as Israel from honest support for the Jewish people. It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. -- Henry Ford The full story of the Rothschild’s = https://youtube/watch?v=-WfqdcnjvlA Do you truly want to know who is at the head of the snake - Rothschilds family - came out of the Byzantine/Ottoman empire (modern day Turkey) which in approximately 760 AD the King announced everyone in my kingdom is now Jewish. Therefore the Rothschilds are not really Jews. The Rothschilds migrated up to Germany and created the central bank of Germany. The father (Amschel Rothschild) sent his four sons across Europe and created central banks in Great Britain, France, Italy and Austria all before 1900 AD in 1913 AD the Rothschilds created the central bank in America. What countries fought WWI? = America, Germany, Italy, France, Austria and Great Britain, the Rothschilds central banks financed the war from both sides. But they had done this before during Americas civil war when the southern army was financed by the Rothschilds owned central bank in France while the Rothschilds owned bank in Great Britain tried to get Lincoln to make loans through them. Lincoln created the Lincoln Greenback through the US Treasury and would not make the loans stating I have two enemies the southern army to my front and the bankers to my rear and by far the most dangerous is the banks. But after WWI the Rothschilds helped to bring Adolf Hitler to power but once in power he did not want to share with the Rothschilds (King James Bible book of Revelations 2:9 those that say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan) so Hitler not being able to tell who was really Jewish and who wasnt started killing all Jews real and fake alike. After WWII the Rothschilds pulled favors from their political friends in the governments of America and Great Britain to start settling Jews from Europe in the land of the Palestinians. In 1948 the Rothschilds owned puppets in the governments of Great Britain and America formally announced they recognized Israel as a Nation/State. Since that time the Rothschilds have been using Israel as an excuse to wage war, steal the natural resources from the Palestinian people and cause enough conflicts to hide their real agenda which is to divide the world along religious ideologies (as theyve done in America along racial lines to control elections) to seize control of governments and create Rothschilds owned central banks in nearly every country worldwide. Now you can start your research with the information above after you have learned the truth then please start sharing it in this fashion with everyone you know. There is no war between Muslim and Christian except the war the Rothschilds are instigating for their own globalist agenda. In 1913 the Rothschild’s central bank (The Federal Reserve Bank was created here in the USA. Soon after America was deeply involved in WWI to distract the American people from the discussion about the creation of this evil institution. But it didn’t matter if Americans were fighting and dying in Europe because the Rothschild’s were financing the war from both sides through the central banks they owned in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria and America. They indebted these countries to their banks and got rich no matter how many people died in the war. After WWI you had the roaring twenties brought about as the Rothschild’s over-inflated the American dollar until 1929 when they caused the Stock Market crash and tanked the American dollar. In 1931 at the worst period of the Great Depression which these globalists’ caused was the excuse their cronies within our government used to propose that “they would bail America out of the Great Depression if a portion of the income of the American people would be paid to them = income taxes which are a form of voluntary although forced slave labor where the government is taking a portion of your work from you under the color of law. In 1933 these globalist had their cronies in Congress pass “The Gold Act” which required every person in America to turn their Gold into the Rothschild’s privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in return these globalist gave the American people back green pieces of paper. This is the equivalent of passing a law that required every American to hand over their gold (real wealth) to me (B.L. Cozad) and in return I would give you pieces of toilet paper. This is “a money changer” or in the case of the Federal Reserve Bankers “the money changers”. Understand that the Rothschilds family are not just those that say they are Jews and are not but are of the synagogue of Satan they are also the worlds new MONEY CHANGERS and remember even Jesus Christ got angry enough at the money changers to beat them and drive them out of the temple. The statements – “the truth shall set you free” and “my people are destroyed for lack of the knowledge” seem to come to mind” here.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 08:40:51 +0000

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