Please take the time to read and share this with someone you care - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to read and share this with someone you care about, it could save their life WHAT IS LIFE?! Youre born, you live and than you die.. It seems really harsh if you put it that way.. The reality of life is that we are given a minimal time on this planet to leave the world with something to remember you by. You are given one body and one spirit to do with as you please, along the road of life you will come across many people that will break your spirit if you allow them to. What most people dont know or will never understand is that you are the only person in control of your destiny! You can build something from nothing with hard work and dedication! My view of life is to love!! The more you are able to love yourself, others and your surroundings the easier your life will become! You are here for a reason and you are alive to shine! God chose you to walk on this planet, he will throw many obstacles in your path not as a test but as a way to build your character! He only gives his hardest of struggles to his strongest of warriors! You are a survivor of life if you are reading this. We are born to love, we are alive to choose! The choice of how happy you will be is up to you! You were born for a purpose! You are valuable in someones eyes! You may have been through so much shit and you may have given up on yourself at a lot of points in your life!! Never give up on yourself again!! Live each day with the faith that you will grow!! If you truly believe that good things will come your way than they will! Its the law of attraction! What ever you put out into the universe is what you shall receive in return!! You deserve so much ❤️ if you feel like giving up than go look at the person in the mirror and say these words I love you say them over and over again, remind yourself daily that you are amazing and you will go far in life... Do this every single day and believe in yourself, trust me when I say that change is possible!! But first you must believe! Say it with me!! ❤️❤️❤️ I BELIEVE IN ME!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:39:18 +0000

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