Please take the time to read my post, I could really do with using - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to read my post, I could really do with using you all as a sounding board. Meet Tala, weve had her nearly a year, the 1st year of her life was not a happy one, I wont go into details but it left her severely mentally traumatised. Tala now has a happy home which she shares with myself, partner, son and 3 furry friends. In August she underwent emergency surgery to remove her womb as a result of been diagnosed with pyrometra, at the same time they detected a severe heart murmur, and thought it may have been as a result of the infection. She didnt cope well with the surgery, became withdrawn and getting her to eat was a struggle. Shes back to her normal self now but we have just got back from the vets who confirm she still has the heart murmur. They have suggested refering her to a heart specialist, for further investigations. The dilemma we face is her delecate soul and her severe reaction to the vets, if the prognosis is not good I do not know how she would cope with further surgery, there is a possibility she may only need medication but that in itself caused her to stop eating following her last surgery and her weight dropped dramatically to the point she nearly had to go back in to be put on a drip. With any of our other dogs we wouldnt give it a second thought but I want what is best for Tala, given how she has been effected as a result of her past and that she is otherwise fit, heathly and happy and is in no pain or discomfort would it be better to just let her be (even if her life span wasnt as long as would normally be) rather than to put her through the stress of further appointments, possible surgery or force feeding her medication for the rest of her life, she is not treat orientated so we literally have to force tablets into her. She is insured so thats not an issue here. I know ultimately the decision is mine and my partners but im just so torn as to what would be best.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:49:54 +0000

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