Please take the time to read this... this is heavy on my heart! - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to read this... this is heavy on my heart! God bless Ive come to realize that this life is really an opportunity to secure our eternal resting place when we pass to the other side. Everyday you open your eyes and can breathe is a moment to realize, hey i have another shot at doing something for the kingdom of God! Cause somewhere someone didnt get that chance and their journey is over and what they accumulated from birth to today for God is all they Got & hopefully it was honorable & they were saved. So realize your blessed and his grace over your life is sufficient. this life is Not about how much money you can make, thinking constantly about you you you and what goals you cant wait to accomplish...or buy this house, drive this car, or have this or have that! if all you think about first before the things that please God everyday, then whatever that is, is an idol. To be completely honest God loves us beyond words and what the physical brain can understand and fathom BUT he is not interested in our careers, or how much money we wanna make and selfish ambition or gain ... The Only thing He cares about, is us adding to his kingdom! rap your head around this NOTHING YOU DO ON THIS EARTH WIL MATTER BUT WHAT YOU DO FOR HIM AND HIS KINGDOM WHEN YOU CROSS TO THE OTHER SIDE. EVERYTHING YOU ACCOMPLISH IN THIS WORLD SURE ITS A BREFF MOMENT OF SATISFACTION AND GRATIFICATION TO YOU BUT ITS MEANINGLESS AFTER ITS ALL SAID AND DONE. NO ONE WILL REMEMBER IT WHEN YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE BUT WHAT YOU DID FOR HIS KINGDOM. Im NOT in no way trying to discourage you from trying to reach your dreams at all cause i have them too! And by all means go after it, but what i am saying is that before you desire you you you and what you want, desire him and his kingdom 1st ALWAYS! and go after your dreams with a purpose to expand his kingdom! how can you EXPAND IT? & use your dreams to kingdom build? By seeking him first and desiring only his will for your life, not yours & letting him lead you in the way he wants you to Go!. So think about what your motives are and why you want what you want, and if you want whatever it is for you, and other reasons before him & kingdom building, then you need to re think! Listen all that you desire and want to be ... especially in health, and prospering in every area of your life will follow and a life of peace, joy and happiness will be yours but that has to come second because once u align your desires with his, and pursue him first ... then all that will happen atomatically for you! but dont let it be the first thing leading you and motivating you but his love and desire to please him only and to build his kingdom... bc if you dont youll fall short cause i have. Again i wanna make this clear im not saying God doesnt want you to be prosperous or obtain your dreams... but you are on borrowed time and also the gifts and abilities are Borrowed from him to you so you will give back to him & help build the kingdom of God. I had an urgency to get this out and i say this with love, that im not worried who this may offend because jesus offended many but he got the truth out their! and thats the most important thing to me. Im not self religious i just Love Jesus!!! and his business is my business and all i want to devote my life too! ive made a lot of mistakes and can say this to you with confidence so in no way am i perfect or have it all always striving to better myself and my walk with the lord. and i hope my story can motivate the same in you. i Love you and you are in my prayers!!! God bless You!!!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:34:56 +0000

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