Please take the time to read through this. It could help you. -- - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to read through this. It could help you. -- By titling myself The Art God I do not mean it as a form of bragging. Being godly is to be admired. A God is a Creator. Therefore Im the creator of art that some people admire. Hell, we are all gods. In reality Im just a 17 year old kid. Im flawed, have tons of problems, dont have the best grades. But one thing I do have is will power. Devotion. Dedication. Ambition. Dreams. I want to clarify this now so nobody makes the assumption that Im boastful, arrogant or a douche bag. Im actually very humble, my closest homies would tell you the same. Shoutout to everybody supporting me. Special shoutout if you take the time to read this far down. For you who get this far, Id like to tell you to chase your dreams. Never give up. It sounds corny but dreams do come true. Growing up and having dreams, man, I tell you, they mean something. Dreams become reality if you work at it. I refuse to let go of my dreams because it isnt what society deems to be realistic. Dreams are sacred and if youre a strong believer like myself, youll pursue yours regardless of what the worlds perception on them are. This goes out to everybody with a dream. All my rappers, artists, dancers, singers, future doctors, lawyers, and veterinarians. Astrologists and archeologists, architects and athletes. Etc. If you support me, I support you. Anything is possible. We can make it to the top together. Dont do something just for the money either. Do what you enjoy and dont let your dreams get shot down by somebody that is scared to chase their own. Remember, Its not about how many times you fall. Its about how many times you pick yourself up. Im not rich, but the love yall show brings me all the wealth in the world. No dream is unrealistic, unrealistic is having no dream. I love you all. Once again, Thanks for the support. - Antonio Baca P.S Spread love, not hate. This world is ours. See you all at the top. We are the future. We are visionaries. We are gods. The world is our playground. You can have anything you want in life. It all depends on how badly you want it. Dont sit back and wait for it to happen. Go get it.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 03:40:54 +0000

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