Please take the time to real like comment and share. Its a - TopicsExpress


Please take the time to real like comment and share. Its a powerful polemic against ISLAMOPHOBIAS proponents today. Thank you. Excerpt: 14 years Following the tragic 9-11 attacks in America, Islamophobia still abounds rampant Within American society. Occasional media coverage in America have Highlighted cases of the vandalizing of mosques, Hindu -Sunando Sen-murdered because he was mistaken as a Muslim, female Muslims refused admission into an amusement park (Rye County New York), Sabreen Abdulrahmaan incarcerated for Refusing to take off her hijab in the courtroom Georgia, violent assaults against Muslims such as Vishal Wadhwa, discrimination in the employment market the Imane Boudlal, wrongful Convictions for the Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism vague charge Ziyad Yaghi like, such as immigration refusals Naveed Shinwari, and more welter. Worse, some commentators and politicians average have publicly joined in the emetic malaise making incredulous and unconscionable barefaced Islamophobic remarks such as Fox commentators Ann Coulter, Brigette Gabriel, and Republican Hermain Cain. This is the hapless state of affairs in the Lady Libertys abode, it is oppression, and we have to Recognize and accept it to venture beyond with prudence. Acceptance by American society is impeded However, by mendacious apologists for Islamophobia who aggrandize the popular tautology full of factual misrepresentations in order to attenuate this human phenomenas recognition, while synchronously enervating critics. The Following polemic addresses the apologists Islamophobia Lucifugous myths in the hopes of returning the linchpin to the wheels of Democracy. htt://www:iviews/articles/articles.asp?ref=IV1501-6002&p=1
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:08:21 +0000

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