Please tell me what you think positive or negitive :) : *i was - TopicsExpress


Please tell me what you think positive or negitive :) : *i was wondering through London confused i couldnt bloody understand anyone really i was asking for directions to a diner until i stumbled upon one i went inside people looked at me to see who came in i noticed a few people mostly girls were on the other side of the diner looking at the corner booth i tried to see sho they were stairing at but he had a book covering his facd i shrugged and sat down near the dokr and window the waiter asked what i wanted i smiled ill have a strawberry milkshake and pancakes with a side of bacon and eggs please he smiles, and walks away i wenr in my messanger bag not knowing the man lowered his book to see who ordered the same thing he did i put my book to his face he started walking to me and saw the waiter wirh mt milkshake he softly grabbed it and walked to me he said in a disuised voice your milkshake maam? He set my drink down i smile thank you i lowered my book abd saw who it was Tom Hiddleston he smiled may i sit? I stutterd o-of couse please he smiled and sits my name is Hiddleston Tom Hiddleston i smile and shook his hand it was so soft my name is fire Des fire he chuckles well it is a pleasure meeting you i smiled likewise i slowly let go of his hand and went back to me book he saw the cover and chuckles softly you like Shakespeare? I nodded softly smiling i love him i undetstand the way he writes most people dont. We both smiled so do i he said Thats as far as i got so far please give me your reviews :)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:30:29 +0000

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