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Please read: tompride.wordpress/2014/07/06/daily-mail-journalist-busted-posing-as-muslim-extremist-to-stir-up-hatred/#comment-50897 My comment: It is illegal for the state to use agents provacateurs to stir up illegal activity and spy on its citizens. There is a fine line in law enforcement between some of the deceptions used to trap dangerous criminals and entrapment. Nevertheless, police officers have been prosecuted when that line is crossed. Allegedly, the police et al do not know where any line is especially this one *rolls eyes*... This is the horrible truth from someone who has and is being hounded by the establishment even though they know I know what theyve been/not been doing and continue to do/not do for the last 18 months... I believe the term for what is happening with them all now is damage limitation... Let me clarify... For the past 18 months Ive had the dubious pleasure of having my character assassinated for what? Im an ongoing, proven, victim of serious and concerted disability hate crime and other hate crime which the authorities, including health, service and politicians who have studiously failed spectacularly to help, preferring to waste obscene amounts of public money when it would have cost a few hundred quid for them to help and they would have at least six people locked up with horribly high sentences... Because Im a journalist (with a conscience; yes, I know its hard to believe); peaceful campaigner; political and social activist etc. against welfare reforms, legal aid reforms, the freedom of the internet, free speech and the right to peaceful protest etc., of course, I must be trouble *rolls eyes again*... FFS! I can barely walk and cannot go out alone unaccompanied!!! Its only during the last few months and last week that I finally have absolute undeniable proof of this... Im still wondering what the F I can do with it... It reads like a bad, but very dangerous spy novel
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:43:50 +0000

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