Please vote GREEN, LABOUR, or INTERNET/MANA this Saturday! If we - TopicsExpress


Please vote GREEN, LABOUR, or INTERNET/MANA this Saturday! If we get those parties into power this weekend, then together we all can help finally bring an end to factory farming in NZ. And how cool would that be!?! :D Meanwhile, heres a short video by my friend John, where I offer a few quick thoughts about yesterdays protest action. This was taken shortly after I had left the police station, got home, and had a bit of time to rest and collect my thoughts. I was finally warm again, but I was still exhausted! Im actually still pretty tired, but Im feeling ok now. Im glad I did it, but Im glad its over now! Lol. Im glad I got up the tower. The roof was insanely slippery, and we actually discussed whether to call it off to begin with, on safety grounds. I am not good with heights, but the ladder had a surround thingy so that made it feel a lot safer. Once I was on the crows nest/platform thing, I felt ok. Im gutted I had to call it off so early though. But I was starting to get pretty cold, and with no signs of the weather abating, I knew it was only going to get worse. My feet had been frozen right from the start. But after a while, my legs were soaked, my arms were getting wet too, and I was just starting to get the shivers. I was also absolutely exhausted, having had very little sleep in the few days leading up to the action, and probably less than one hour sleep that night. I had to make the call to come down because I did not want to get to the stage where I *couldnt* climb down the ladder. As a former Army Medic and Outdoor First Aid Instructor, I knew enough to know that it is best to err on the side of caution in these things. Ive seen what hypothermia can do to people. It kind of sucks that the day before the action and the day after, were both comparatively fine days! :P The best laid plans, eh?.......... I hope it was all worthwhile. I hope as a result of the action, at least a few more people will vote for the Greens, Labour, or Internet/Mana this Saturday. Because they are committed to dealing with factory farming, and the other parties arent! That is huge and important, and we want people to know that if those parties get in, then real change is actually finally within sight for the animals. :) I also hope the politicians and parties who havent stepped up yet, will finally get the idea that this is a serious and urgent issue that really matters, and that factory farming is something that thousands of decent, caring Kiwis want to see an end to. Now! I also hope these industries will be starting to understand theyve had their day, and that factory farming is on its way out. The NZ public is no longer willing to tolerate such severe confinement, neglect, or abuse of animals, and even major political parties are prepared to deal with it now. This resistance and opposition to factory farming can only increase. Those of us who care about animals are not going to go away. They need to come to terms with the fact that there is no future in factory farming, and start making plans for adapting to a society that has changed a LOT since factory farming methods were first introduced all those decades ago. I want to offer a GIGANTIC Thanks! to everyone who supported me on this action. Especially the Farmwatch crew plus Eliot, and ALL my friends from Dunedin who were there at the protest site on the day. I literally couldnt have done it without you. It felt good looking down from the tower and seeing everyone on the ground, and also knowing there were others around the country supporting me in various ways. It wasnt quite as successful as wed hoped, but it was still pretty good. I think it was worth the time, effort, (and money!) we put into it. Together I think we can be proud that we all made at least some positive difference for the animals on Wednesday! Thanks team. Thanks a million. :) Oh. And in case anyones wondering, the police let me off with a warning, but made it clear that wont be the case if I ever do anything like that again. I guess Ill cross that bridge when I come to it. ;)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:03:45 +0000

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