Please watch this and realize that what she says applies to every - TopicsExpress


Please watch this and realize that what she says applies to every aspect of your life. You want to know why I speak out? This is why, I refuse to be irrelevant...Look people, like it or not we were born into an era of history where massive change is taking place on a global scale. I Happen to believe in my heart it is biblical prophecy unfolding before our eyes and that The Lord will soon return. I encourage all of you to question your own condition with The Lord and seek His forgiveness, first and foremost. Im always available to speak with anyone who wants to talk about that. However, that is not the purpose of this post. The purpose for this is reach out and speak to each of you, asking you to think about what this woman is saying and act on it. People, your nation is being taken away from you. No one wants to believe or accept they live in times such as the one we find ourselves in but that is not for us to decide. All we can do is make the best of what has been given to us and our lives. Our government, not just the current administration but the government as a whole has systematically eroded your rights and freedoms. I post news articles on a daily basis for you guys to look at and use as a tool. A educational tool that can be used to inform us regarding current actions and intentions of the government. Read them, re-post them, speak out about them, call your congressman and senators. Im not asking any of you to protest in the streets (at least not yet) but I am asking you to start using your social media and voice to speak out and make people more aware. Congress and Obamas latest actions or lack there of regarding the border crisis is a clear indication that our government is fully broken and dangerous. I watch the bills brought to the floor for a vote each day, its easy to do, they have an app for that too you know. What I see is a congress who has not a single issue at all voting bipartisan on bills that strengthen the federal government and further erode our rights yet when it comes to practical, no nonsense approaches to real problems they claim gridlock and no compromise. People, this is a ruse, ok? It is hard to accept you are being lied to, its hard to accept that your being manipulated, its hard to accept you are being FOOLED but trust me....the truth is liberating and once you embrace it you can not go back. So, watch this video and realize that if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I do not expect you to agree with me on every issue but I do expect you to stand beside me and defend what is ours and our childrens. Right now your voice is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal...USE IT! The silent majority is irrelevant and thats a fact!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:52:18 +0000

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