Pleasure💋 Pain💔 Fortune💰 -(Part Fifteen) 👉Recap- - TopicsExpress


Pleasure💋 Pain💔 Fortune💰 -(Part Fifteen) 👉Recap- You are afraid to fall for Jacob again. The kids fell asleep. You and Jacob finally stopped being stubborn and talked things out. You two have to fix the gaps in yall marriage.👈 -💔Jacob Thoughts💔- I dont know how far this is gonna take us but its off to a great start. I miss holding her like this. Honestly I wanted to cry my eyes out when me and her was talking but I just held it because I didnt wanna see her cry. But im okay now *squeezes you* It feels as if every second I get closer and closer to making her mine again. -💔End of thoughts💔- 🌙⭐THAT NIGHT🌙⭐ The clock changed from 8:25 to 8:26. You all just finished eating pizza and drinking pop. You all decided to watch one more movie before Jacob left. The last movie you all watched was The Curse of Chucky. Jacob had his head on your lap while your fingers went through his fro. -💔Your Thoughts💔- *looks down at him* I poured out my heart to him. He poured out his heart to me. The things he told me really hit me. I mean its been months I didnt think he will still be crying. But I am glad that me and him were finally able to let everything out. We just gotta fix these gaps in our marriage. But to be honest I am still a little afraid to fall for him again. Its just another fear that ive gained and I dont think its gonna go away. -💔End of thoughts💔- You played with one of Jacobs curls at the top of his head. You twirled it with your index finger. Jacob then turned his head and looked up at you. The both of you smiled. Jacob turned his head back around and continued to watch the tv. Once the movie came off Jacob lifted his head up off your lap. Jacob: Well its time for me to go Jasper: Awww Alexander: Come on dad Jacob: *chuckles and gets off couch* I will see yall tomorrow when I pick you guys up Jasper: Where are we going tomorrow.? Jacob: I dont know I might just take you all to Disney Land Jasper: Yay.!!! Jacob: *chuckles* Can I have some hugs before I go.? You: *looking at Jacob and the kids* You watched as Arnmonie, Alexander and Jasper went and hugged Jacob. He picked up Arnmonie and kissed her cheek. You laughed a little when you heard her say see you waiter (later) daddy. Jacob laughed a little also while saying see you later princess. When he put Arnmonie down he looked at you and you looked at him. He grabbed your hand and you got off the couch and followed him out of the living room to the front door. Jacob opened the door and then looked at you again to see you making a sad face while poking out your bottom lip. Jacob: Whats wrong love.? You: Do you really have to go.? Jacob: Yes I do but we will see each other tomorrow You: I know but still.... *looks down* Jacob: *smiles* Come here You do as told and take two steps so you and Jacob are standing in front of each other. He places his hands on your hips and then onto your back and pulls you close to him. You look at Jacob and wrap your arms around his neck. Jacob: Before you fall asleep at night be sure to think of me and I will think of you. Okay beautiful.? You: *nods and blushes* Okay Jacob: *smiles* Can I have a hug.? You: But were already hugging Jacob: *chuckles* Girl just give me a hug You: *laughs* Okay Jacob and you hug each other tight. You didnt wanna let go but you did. You two then pulled away just to be pulled into a kiss. But the kiss only lasted for five quick seconds because you two pulled away and moved two inches away from each other. Jacob: I-I am so sorry You: No no its my fault Jacob: But I kissed you You: No I kissed you..lets just forget about it Jacob: Okay well Ummm I guess I will see you tomorrow You: Yeah see you tomorrow Jacob walks out of the house and walks off of the porch then heads to his car. He puts his fingers through his fro while taking the keys out of his pocket with the other hand. You watched as he got into the car. You waited until he drove off and then closed the door. You put your back up to the door and let out a huge sigh. -💔Your Thoughts💔- We are supposed to be taking things slow yet I kissed him.! I shouldnt have kissed him ugh I feel like an idiot. He probably thinks im rushing things. Why did I kiss him.? -💔End of thoughts💔- You put your fingers through your hair and shook your head. What you two didnt know was that the kids was watching the whole entire time. They was very happy to see you two kiss just like they were happy about the fact that you and Jacob are now on speaking terms. Alexander: *high fives Jasper* Yes they kissed.! Jasper: I know right.! But why did they back away from each other.? Alexander: I dont know...maybe they had bad breath or something Jasper: *nods* Yeah that could be why Alexander: Moms coming.! Alexander jumps onto the couch and Jasper sits down on the floor. Arnmonie stands there and wait until she sees you walk into the living room. She then runs to you and you pick her up. You: Did you have fun today Arnmonie: *nods* You: Wanna lay with mommy tonight.? Arnmonie: Yes You: Okay princess. You guys ready for bed.? Alexander: Nope im just gonna watch tv until I pass out You: Okay well be sure to turn off the tv Jasper: Word cause people got RG and E bills to pay Alexander: Im sorry do you pay the RG&E bill.? No so shut up You: *shakes head and laugh* Alexander and Jasper walk out the living room while telling each other to shut up. You laugh and sit Arnmonie down on the couch. She then gets off the couch and helps you clean up downstairs. When you two finished cleaning you turned off all the lights downstairs and then picked up Arnmonie. You took her upstairs so you can bathe her and get her ready for bed. 💔WITH JACOB💔 When Jacob finally got home he went up stairs into his room. He threw his keys and phone on the bed and then went into the bathroom. That kiss was still on his mind. He didnt want you to think that he was trying to rush things because hes not. See with you and Jacob there is rushing and taking things slow. You two are so used to rushing things so yall dont know how to take things slow. -💔Jacob Thoughts💔- *turns on shower water* I really wish she was in this shower with me right now. I miss her so much and its only been an hour since I left her house. It felt so good holding her and making her smile. I cant wait to see her beautiful self tomorrow. -💔End of thoughts💔- A relationship takes time to fix. You cant just jump into it like you and Jacob always do. You love him. He loves you. Yet you two are afraid to say it out loud because you both dont know what the out come would be. Jacob keeps thinking that he kissed you but in reality you kissed him. You wanted to kiss him every since he walked through that door. But you didnt want him to think that your rushing things but you also dont want him to think that you are pushing him away. Your are just too afraid to fall for him again like you did before. To Be Continued... Comment your thoughts and like.!! -Peace&Love
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:51:25 +0000

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