Pledges by Big Business to cut CO2 emissions. Are they acting or - TopicsExpress


Pledges by Big Business to cut CO2 emissions. Are they acting or will they put their money where their mouth is? Leonardo Di Caprio, a prominent actor but also activist in the field of climate change, addressed the UN stating that he pretends for a living, playing fictitious roles seeking fictitious solutions, and that the world is doing the same when it pretends to tackle climate change. At the summit in New York both governments and big business have come away with big pledges to cut back on fossil fuel investment and shift it towards clean energy. Time will tell whether big business and large energy companies will follow up on their pledges, time which is however fast running out. It is up to all of us not only to do our bit, but also to keep the pressure on to make sure that Di Caprio was the only actor speaking out at the United Nations. It is also extremely important to note that the UN had banned climate engineering operations until such time that science has proved them safe and effective. These include the notorious method floated by some scientists and policy makers to try to counter global warming with global dimming, that is, reducing the sunlight reaching the earth by increasing man made cloud formations and spraying chemicals in the atmosphere in what they call solar radiation management. Contrary to such claims, it is far more likely that such increased cloud formation would actually increase global warming rather than reduce it, by bringing about the Venus effect and even more runaway global warming. Meteorologist Jerry Stanhills studies have shown a 10%-20% reduction in sunlight in just a few years, yet our temperatures sure enough keep rising. We must remain ever vigilant to make sure that all geo engineering and military related weather modification operations remain on the drawing board and out of our blue skies, and work instead to go straight to the source of the problem by reducing carbon emissions and investing in clean energy and clean transport! And we must keep ourselves informed! newscientist/article/dn26262-unprecedented-climate-summit-leads-to-bold-pledges.html#.VCOc0PmSwgS check out this excellent overview on global dimming and Jerry Stanhills findings
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 05:09:22 +0000

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