Plett is so small with some small-minded people that make for some - TopicsExpress


Plett is so small with some small-minded people that make for some great Sunday humour: You know who you are: It has come to my attention that you were complaining to my closet friend (which you obviously did not know) :) about my endless posts about my daughter. I am not even sure why you are on my Facebook if you do not like reading about my daughter. Do you not feel the need to write about something you are proud of, something that is fresh, green and original? The posts are for paents who experienced amazing baby/child wisdom and can smile and remember it or for parents who are experiencing it now. Or maybe this does not happen to you, because you have brain washed your child with ancient text instead of also listening to your child’s own wisdom. My friend that you were having dinner with said you were drinking an excessive amount of wine. You referred to me as THAT WOMAN who does not understand that praying is voluntary. Surely drinking excessively, drunk driving and gossiping is not Christian behavior. So dearest woman the “voluntary” bit means: IF YOU DON’T WANT OUR RELIGION FORCED ON YOU IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL DURING SCHOOL HOURS, YOU CAN BE SEGREGATED FROM THE GROUP, EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE ONLY 6 YEARS OLD AND DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING! Please note the situation only came about because I was told that my child, whom you do not like, reading about, must sit at another desk while bible studies continue during school hours. I also pay school fees for an education. Note that they are “school” fees, not church fees. Why must I pay to have my daughter segregated? It is a public school, NOT a church. Please remove yourself from my Facebook, it is for people who can read and comprehend. You were having dinner with my friend; she listened to your bigotry and did not disagree or agree with you, because you were so ignorant; she did not want to waste her time. She was by no means afraid of g-d or scared she would go to hell for hers sins. Her silence was simply because she thought you were a dumbass. She assumed you never read the bible or any other book for that matter for she found her conversation with you to be so shallow. She also knows you and many of your friends drink so much that your hangovers will prevent you from taking your child to church on Sunday, so you expect church to happen in school. You may bully my family and me now, but not for long. I could have tagged you in this post and showed many how ignorant you are, but then I realised this would be stooping down to your level and would make me a cyber bully.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:01:12 +0000

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