Plexus Slim and Kids!! News from Leanna’s Mom! ADHD, Autism- no - TopicsExpress


Plexus Slim and Kids!! News from Leanna’s Mom! ADHD, Autism- no match for Plexus!! Plexus Slim and Kids!! News from Leanna’s Mom! ADHD, Autism- no match for Plexus!! Posted on March 2, 2014 by Pmaynard • 0 Comments I know, you’re thinking that Plexus Slim and children are just two things that shouldn’t go together. But that’s just not true! Plexus was developed originally for Diabetics to regulate blood sugar and help with chronic pain. It does SOOO much more than just aid in weight loss! It has been given to children for ADHD, learning disorders, Autism, and more. It’s the most natural “pink drink” you can give your children and feel good about doing it! advd My friend Denise joined Plexus not just for herself, but for her Non-verbal Autistic Daughter Leanna. Here is what she had to say about how Plexus is working for her family: Pam: Why did you become a Plexus Ambassador? Denise: I joined for 2 reasons. One I wanted to lose weight for myself and to earn money for my family since I am a stay at home mom. I have a special needs daughter with severe autism (non verbal) and she is the second reason I joined. I heard a lot of good things from other parents that it has done wonders for their children I wanted to see if it would help Leanna also. Pam: How has the “pink drink” been received by your daughter? Denise: She has done well on it. She loves it and actually asks for it. leanna Pam: What changes have you noticed? Denise: I have noticed her sleeping better, her moods are better and she has less tantrums. She has been on it for a little over a week and everyday I see more and more changes in her. Pam: What do you hope that Plexus will do for her? Denise: I hope she will continue to improve in all the things I mentioned above. I also hope it improves her physical health – less ear infections, colds, and also help her to talk. Pam: How about you? Are you taking Plexus Slim also? If so what are your goals and have you seen any results yet? Denise: I would love to be healthier physically and also lose weight the healthy way. I want to keep it off as we all know it is hard to lose weight but when we do we worry about gaining it back. I want to be healthy for myself and family incharge Pam: What is the one thing you would tell parents about giving the pink drink to their children? Denise: I was worried at first because I do have young kids but after trying it myself and seeing Leanna doing so well with it, I would tell them to try it. I am happy I did! I am excited to see in the months ahead how Leanna and I will do she is doing better I am so glad I found Plexus Slim! Thanks so much- Denise Smith how to take Here is a testimonial about a mother’s journey with Plexus and her child with ADHD: This is my story on how Plexus Slim has helped my 8 year old with ADHD. Since my son w
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:45:51 +0000

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