Pls attempt all questions 2nd Semester Examination. Course: Love - TopicsExpress


Pls attempt all questions 2nd Semester Examination. Course: Love Maths. Course code: GNS111 Time allowed 2hrs.30mins. 1.If a girl is in love for 10years and at the end of the day, the guy breaks up with her..what is the formula to calculate such love & time wasted? 2.As a guy,you dated more than three girls for three years, calculate the expenses lost for the three years? 3.In not more than 30 words,state the differences between # Sena girls & Yao girls. 4.With the aid of a label drawn diagram, explain the term MBINA 5.Use the almighty formula to calculate the speedometer of your boyfriend using the proportional ration to attain the equation. 6.You send 200 kwacha airtime to ur girlfriend and she sends u bk....plz call me ,calculate the lost profit of the recharge card. 7.If you break up with ur girl because of Christmas gifts,calculate how long it would take u to get her bk in January. 8.As a guy,you are dating other pipos sister,but u dont want any other guy to date ur sister,calculat e the percentage of your callosity & wickedness. 9.When you check Facebook profile,99% of guys are single as their marital status states and 100% of girls are dating, engaged, in a relationship,ma rried..Briefly explain who they are all dating in not less than two sentence. N.B. Attempt all question & Good luck!!!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:58:29 +0000

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