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Pls share worldwide the translation of the article that explaines the secret middle east strateji!!! Banu AVAR, 3 Haziran 2013 >>> banuavar@superonline What Had happened in Egypt? What is happening to us? Middle East and Turkey Researcher (CFR uzmanı) Steven Cook had predicted that Egypt’s President Mubarek will leave his position at a time when he was still in charge of his presidency. Another interesting announcement coming from Cook was that he also mentioned the necessity of a change in style and not a change of the present regime. After Tahrir his observation concerning the changes in the Egyptian regime was: What has happened to the strategic relationship between Washington and Kairo? Has it come to an end since Mubarek has left his position? Should Obama make a change in his attitude to be able to have an influence on the changes going on in Kairo? Mubarek, being the innate accomplice of the United States and Israel, had tortured his people for 30 years with the help of the army-the police and the oligarchy he had established around him. His people had served him with a deep thrustworthiness (sadakat?) although he was the puppet of Washington. “But now” he wrote, “the time to change has come! Mübarek will be wiped away.” Mübarek has opened the channel of Süveyş to the western world. He left the antagonistic movement unnoticed; strengthened his relationship with Israel; which in return brought him millions of dollars poured by the governments of the United States. The help provided by the United States was the leading force of Egypt’s development in technology as well other areas; but was at the same time the reason of it’s corruption in matters concerning the national values. How could Mubarek hold the honor and pride of it’s people alive as long as US.AID workers were spread throughout the country and it’s institutions, it’s education and ministries. That was the declaration of the universal gangsters proficient; Egypt was the guardian of Israel and US. In the Middle East for 30 years. After passifying a country in such a way, it was easy for Israel to turn West Şeria and Gazze into a lake of blood. Or trying to occupy Lebanon two times; or appointing Jerusalem as the capital city; or bombarding Iraq and Syria. Mubarek would get his gift in return being the “accomplice of the World Emperor” and the receiver of millions of dollars. Though after 30 years, Mubarek would come to face the difficulty of controlling his people. The roaming Egyptians had problems of hunger, of work; poverty had come to a degree unbearable. But still, every voice contradictory would be settled down within the cells of the prison. Steven Cook’s commentary was: “Mubarek is confronted with two situations that seem to have no compromise. Either he would be the man of Washington or the man of his people! It was clear that both choices could not come true at the same time. He chose to be the man of Washington and preferred to oppress his people with lies and pressure. Though he had his anxieties; what if the Egyptian people would explode; what if there would be an Egypt totally Free? Which meant that the plans of USA would be perturbed. He had to alter this situation. If he be late, the Egyptian contradictory voices could come together and the strategic position could slip away from the hands of the universal gang… It was just time that the soft power should have been used as a solution; in other words, “Democracy” had to be imported into the domain of Egypt. Cook was defending the idea that the American Eagles practices were of no use; the English way of democracy was the kind of democracy that America needed. The European tradition of applying “soft occupations” was far more effective and far more cheaper then military interactions. To his opinion, “Soft Power” meant “intelligent power” and should take the place of the violent policies American Eagles were holding. The New World Order had the chance to step forward much easier and much cheaper if it followed the Soft Power policy. Egypt was a country where people were against the American way… and had a fabulous history behind. So it was inevitable that this territory should be invaded from inside. For 2-3 years within Egyptian Universities, civil society organizations, in Islamic as well modern areas, a deal of work was done concerning funds; one of the leaders of Otpor Ivan Maroviç, who played a role at the fall of Yugoslavia gave courses of strategy… Google’s marketing manager and Microsoft workers in North Africa prepared a way for Egypt. Facebook and twitter would be used as a means for the Egyptians to go out on the streets. Videos and news would prepare them for the street movement. The show was planned and realized with delicacy; leaders were found within the youth who were already addictive; in every street, every domain a young leader was given a responsibility. As a matter of fact Tahrir was filled out to its exigency in only one night. Mubarek attacked the crowd with his policemen on horse, and with gas bombs. So the Western media who would ignore the immense catastrophes in Egypt announced Tahrir through live news. The middle eastern screen of the western media El Cezire made the happening public in all the languages spoken in Egypt. The Marketer Vail Gonin was on the platform in Tahrir; he excited the masses. El Baradey, a good accomplice of the Western world, promised the mass a Democratic Egypt. Finally Mubarek left the seen, leaving behind a great turbulence. It took a long while for the leading forces to come to a compromise; the army, the Muslim brothers fought with each other for the seat to be occupied. At the mean time, the western politicians visited Egypt one after the other. At one hand was Europe, on the other USA, who tried to get control over Egypt. The Egyptians, having surrounded Tahrir were going through fire. They were experiencing freedom after so many years of oppression. Unfortunately the force who had leaded them to go out on streets was not really on their side. But they would come to understand this reality not before a year has elapsed. Some one had told them that this was a “revolution”! Nevertheless every revolution had to have a leader; whereas the streets of Egypt had no leader. Workers as well as villagers were not involved in the movement. There wasn’t even a slogan in Tahrir mentioning an “unchained Egypt”(bağımsız?). There wasn’t a voice contradictory to the Imperialism of USA or England who had held the chains of the violent dictators for 30 years. Egypt had suffered, had lost blood for days; Egyptians had laid down on the center of Tahrir. And turned away home afterwards. But they were still hungering, and still getting only 30 dollars for the work they do; if ever they would get it! Mubarek was behind bars; it seemed as if his cruelty and oppression had disappeared. In Lebanon as well as in Tunisia, generals stamped by the American’s had occupied the governing positions. A revolution would bring about changes; changes that touch the roots; but for the Egyptians nothing has changed. For the only change was the “attitude shown”. The World leader of the last decade, the England centered global finance laid down its matters with the USA centered global gang and made new compromises sharing the goods at hand. The person to be appealed in matters which have to be thought over for the universal gang Z.Brezinski had prepared the route map for Egypt and Africa. His project was called: “Global Political Awakening” . For this aim to be reached the media means from television to twitter would be used to lead the millions; the rest would be taken into consideration by contradictory groups, leaders, USA patented students and civil society organizations. Democracy would be the main slogan… Arabian nations would be led to “freedom” and “democracy.” But of course in way that would feed their addictness to the World Bank. Every means was to be taken into consideration for this goal to be reached. From Islamic compromises to Christian modernization, every option was a means. The will of the Egyptian people did not have a chance to be reflected on its regime. Since the Egyptians had failed in organizing a leading group and giving birth to a leader; workers, villagers, people working for the government were not able to establish a structure that would raise its voice for its rights. Such a structure had been established in the Anatolian territory at 1919; subscribed by its leader as the “Defending of Rights”? (Müdafayı Hukuk)… Which was a non party movement; successful in gathering people from every level of society, having in common the only one driving force of loving their country. Nowadays as we are observing another kind of world war and a world wide struggling, it is really urgent that selfless and enlightened people and institutions free of worldly desires come together at a platform and talk about Turkey’s critical situation; they should cooperate in working out a plan that would serve as a route map. This is a call! Otherwise one step ahead lies the option of another Egypt! Banu AVAR, 3 Haziran 2013 banuavar@superonline
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:30:08 +0000

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