Pls spend your few minutes to read follow statement . first of - TopicsExpress


Pls spend your few minutes to read follow statement . first of all ,I would like to clarify the very purpose of writing this article.Reason simply because ,I am just sick of religious conflict that we are facing. Actually I dont give a s**t on this problematic issue. But now it comes and knocks my door and start disturbing my life. To be very honest to you ,I am neither religious fanatics or obstinate practitioner of a particular religious sect. More over I dont bother what or which images or statue you are worshing.I do respect your personal decision.And I have no reason to criticize your decision of which religion or which school of thought you are going to follow.But the matter of reality in our community is that,we (most of Tibetan people)are not as kind as we have beeen described by the called warmheart..passionate....and polite etc.Are we living up to it ? Obviously we are not……just have a fleeting glance at the comment given by few monks and students of Tibet...on FACEBOOK....we actually dont smell the Tibetaness there…its full of S**t...what a shame !Yes I am Tibetan...and living in Tibet....and I do respect the HH Dailama..And I do respect the Shugden followers or practitioner as well. MY esstential point is....we used to live in a peaceful society in Tibet before 1997....since this religious issue came to Tibetan community..entire community of Tibet has been divided into two parts....i heard thar monasteries in India were also divided into two well as spread like a epidemic dieases that takes life of millions people.Same is case to this religous conlficts have snatched away our unity and friendship that took us few thousands years to build. I KNOW AND UNDDRSTNAD that all of you would unanimously ssupport and follow the viewpoint of the Dalailama…who says that Shugden is devil or evil spirit, people who still practice this diety is evil spirit worshiper etc。 BUT I am just wondering whether the HH Dalailama has ever asked his people to hate..excommunicate the people of same race! Did the HH Dalailama ask the monks and students to use unpleasant words against the Shugden followers..Of course there is similar reaction from Shugden followers....Hence this controversial issue has put us verge of Civil War...there is more hatred...frustration...anger..than ever before.Please just intropspect ourselves....Are we united as before? Do not blame each other....both parties has millions reasons to justify ones own stand.But of course thats not right solution to the problems that we have. On other hand these hatred and frustration of ours has been escalating the issue further worse......and its getting worse than ever. I am just tired of being Tibetan.....You always prefer to say thar you are proud of being Tibetan in some foreign talk About talk about Buddhism....but our action is always contradictory to our statement.... Now who has ultimate power to solve this issue...and who are responsible in solving the problem. I personal think that the power is laying in the hands of HH Dalailama to settledown the issue...and we are responsible for ourselves to bring the final solution to our problem. If we both shut our dirty mourhs up...and bring every fricrion and conflict to the negotiation table...listen to each others views 。our conlfict will.surely be solved. But we didnt do that either government officials...religious leader...student or monks...what ever we have been doinh is trying to hurt or accuse each others ideas ...belifs and faith.Hence this kind of phenomena creates situation worse... by khampa man
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:10:51 +0000

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