Plsssssss. Must read!!!!!!! Anything under the - TopicsExpress


Plsssssss. Must read!!!!!!! Anything under the sun??? Life is a force that gives us energy and effort to do things. But,doing things are not the whole package of life, specially when we spent it in a meaningless ways. What i am trying to imply is that we should spent it in more meaningful and quality time. Example i am sharing this to you and to other people not just to exhalt my self but too share what i have been experience in a past decades of my life. Its too scruciating for me but i like too share it to you guys and gals anyway. Before, life for me is meaningless playing games in PCs the whole day and gone with my friends went home drunk. Waking up late taking coffee, cook some left over stuff and doing those same routine again, everyday. But, one day i woke up and try to think something and my face is facing up the ceiling. That day, time was too slow and almost stop. I asked My self why am i doing this, i check my calendar saw everything was already mess up. The whole house was full of dirt and see myself in the mirror that i am more fattier than ever. I sat down for a while and cried up. I, myself was slep for a decade, just like the story of mr. Appleseed. Now, while im sitting with my big fat ass, I realize that j should do something before its too late. I go out of my house, talk to my friends.and spend time w/ them without facing any liquor. Now, as i am talking to one of them one of my friend ask me too drink, but i repel and saying i will not drink anymore. I am not saying to do guys that you should do the same, but i wont and never drink any liqour anymore. They asked me why? Why you suddenly stop. Are you sick and feeling not so well? Maybe we drink some other day and we understand if you feel not well. But, i repel and tell to them guys, stop i won t drink anymore. saying Guys your so very lucky you have wife, sons and family, for decades i am always with you, but now i realiZe that i should do something for my self. Your lucky cause when you all got sick, theirs someone that would taking care of you, while i dont so, i ask them a favor to help me clean my house to start a new life. Life is valuable when you do things to help other people. It makes us strong and whole, try to spend every second in a fruitful and meaningful ways. Cause when the day comes and time for you to depart and sleep, you wont have any regret a telling your self ive fought a good fight in life, i help a lot of people, i am satisfy and left my family with a smile, saying guys to live a life is worth fighting for, were not batteries, being thrown out when it useless and not remember. But where humans, the most precious being created by our GOD, we born and soon past out. But we will depart from this World remembered.I lived my life to the fullest and survived on the edge under the Sun. Thanks and hopefully youve like what i shared- Jonathan C. Agua
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:02:49 +0000

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