Plurality in Government schools ( Aliyu Nuhu ). When I attended - TopicsExpress


Plurality in Government schools ( Aliyu Nuhu ). When I attended a government school in Kano 1979-1983, my class has Hausa,Igbos,Yorubas,Indians,Lebanese,British,Americans,Sri Lankans and Italians. I cant say how grateful I am today to that plural multi-ethnic mix. Today I have various nationalities as ex-classmates. My first real impression of an Igbo boy was that of respect for elders. I will never forget how that boy sprang up from his seat and offered the chair to my father. My Classmate Adekunle is a professor of Mathmatics. Jamal Kazi is corporate bank Manager in Morocco. Hinna is a Navy Commodore( Major General) in the Nigerian Navy. Mvanyi is the Chief of air Staff of Zimbabwean airforce. Sadly I visited same school in Kano 2013 only to find out that 100% of all students are Hausas from Kano. 99% of teachers are Hausas from Kano. When did this start? At what point did such policy change? Is the government aware of the advantages of multiplicity to children with regards to socialization and national unity? When I entered school I couldnt speak good English, I learnt English from those Yoruba,Igbo ,Indians etc that simply forced me to speak the language. Today it is not surprising that 90% of government school leavers in Kano failed English exams. Lessons are conducted by Hausas in Hausa. Any wonder students scored extreme As results in Hausa and get F9s in English. While commending the efforts of Kano state governor Engr Dr Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso on his radical approach to overhaul the rot of education in schools ,may I also draw his attention to this issue,that all government schools should be opened to all Nigerians and the teachers should be hired on merit rather than state of origin? This piece is written by Aliyu Nuhu
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 06:55:36 +0000

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