Plz Read, Share & Give Comment..... Ihya Ulum ul-Din - The - TopicsExpress


Plz Read, Share & Give Comment..... Ihya Ulum ul-Din - The Revival of Religious Sciences is highly respected. In this book (part 2, page 23, lines 17-19) the detrimental effects of beef, and the virtues of ghee and milk from a cow are stated as follows: “The meat of cow is marz (disease), it’s milk is safa (health) and it’s ghee is dava (medicine).” Is it not more intelligent to protect cows and use their milk and ghee for our benefit? The cow is considered a mother of mankind because she gives us a valuable product such as milk. As a mother feeds her child with her breast milk similarly the cow feeds mankind with her milk. It has been scientifically proven that if one regularly drinks cow milk his fine brain tissues develop. As a result of this one’s memory capacity increases, favoring remembrance of Allah. Therefore the cow and it’s milk is very important for proper development of human society and killing the cow is the greatest sin. Those who are eager to eat meat, they can eat less important animals like sheep and goats but cows should be protected. In the Qur’an not one single verse allows killing cows or bulls. But very clear instruction is given about what is intended for human as food: "And We (Allah ) said: O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Garden, and eat you freely of the fruits thereof where you will." (2.35) "And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) to those who believe and do good works, that theirs are Gardens beneath which rivers flow; every time they are fed with fruits therefrom." (2.25) "Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and causes water to descend from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you." (14.32) “Who has appointed the earth a resting-place for you, and the sky a canopy; and causes water to pour down from the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you.” (2.22) From these four ayats of the Qur‘an it is obvious that when Allah created Adam and Eve, He gave them in food, the fruits. And when the pious will go to paradise they will have their food in the form of fruits. Then when Allah created earth He "produced fruits as food for" mankind. Also from the very life of the Hazrat Muhammad, we can see His daily food was bread, milk and palm-dates. Sometimes in His life he sacrificed sheep or camels, but never cows or bulls. There is only one story in the Holy Qur’an which describes the sacrifice of a cow: “When Moses said to his people: ‘Allah commands you that you sacrifice a cow.’ They said: ‘Does you make game of us?’ He answered: ‘Allah forbid that I should be among the foolish!’ They said: ‘Pray for us unto your Lord that He make clear to us what (cow) she is.’ (Moses) answered: ‘He says, that the cow should be neither too old nor too young, but of middling age; now do what you are commanded!’ They said: ‘Pray for us unto your Lord that He make clear to us of what color she is.’ (Moses) answered: ‘He says, that she is a yellow cow. Bright is her color; gladdening beholders.’ They said: ‘Pray for us unto your Lord that He make clear to us what (cow) she is. To us are all cows alike; if Allah wills, we may led aright.’ (Moses) answered: ‘He says, that she is a cow not trained to till the soil or water the fields; whole and without a mark.’ They said: ‘Now has you brought the truth.’ Then they sacrificed her; though they scarcely did it.’ (2.67-71) This story was accepted in Jewish traditions, which are themselves based on certain sacrificial directions in the Old Testament. The cow story of Jewish tradition is based on Num. 19.1-10, in which Moses and Aaron ordered the Israelites to sacrifice a red cow without a spot. Thus Moses announced the sacrifice to the Israelites, and they treated it as a jest. When Moses continued solemnly to ask for the sacrifice, they put him off on one pretext followed by another, asking a number of questions which they could have answered themselves if they had listened to Moses’s directions. Their questions were carping criticisms rather than the result of a desire for information. It was a mere thin pretence that they were genuinely seeking for guidance. When at last they were driven into a corner, they made the sacrifice, but if they did this willingly then the sacrifice would have been more efficacious for their purification from sin. The cow’s body was to be burnt and the ashes were to be kept for the purification of the congregation from sin. We can see and learn from this narration that the killing of a cow was very dangerous and not part of the teachings. So much so that the people were very hesitant to commit such an act even when the order came from the high authorities, Prophet Moses. So this particular sacrifice was not carried whimsically but with due consideration. We should understand also, the cow was not simply killed for the sake of eating but the body of the cow was burnt and the ashes were to be used for the higher purpose of purifying the people from their sins. It is very important to mention that in the present age also, cow sacrifices is forbidden, because no qualified persons are available to conduct such a sacrifices. Thus by reading the Holy Qur’an we can conclude that cow killing is not sanctioned in the Holy Qur’an and the only cow sacrifice which has been described was not meant for meat eating but for purification from the sins. The Iranian scholar Al-Ghazzali (1058-1111 AD) was one of the most brilliant philosophers of Islam. He has stated that besides pieces of bread whatever we eat is simply to satisfy our urges. At the age of 28, he headed the institute of Islam at Baghdad. His main book, Ihya Ulum ul-Din - The Revival of Religious Sciences is highly respected. In this book (part 2, page 23, lines 17-19) the detrimental effects of beef, and the virtues of ghee and milk from a cow are stated as follows: “The meat of cow is marz (disease), it’s milk is safa (health) and it’s ghee is dava (medicine).” Is it not more intelligent to protect cows and use their milk and ghee for our benefit? The cow is considered a mother of mankind because she gives us a valuable product such as milk. As a mother feeds her child with her breast milk similarly the cow feeds mankind with her milk. It has been scientifically proven that if one regularly drinks cow milk his fine brain tissues develop. As a result of this one’s memory capacity increases, favoring remembrance of Allah. Therefore the cow and it’s milk is very important for proper development of human society and killing the cow is the greatest sin. Those who are eager to eat meat, they can eat less important animals like sheep and goats but cows should be protected. A Imam of the Shah Jehan Mosque in London, England, Al Hafiz B. A. Masri says that the Qur’an itself is very specific about prevention of cruelty to animals. Muslims, who form one-third of the world’s total population, need to begin a movement for the prevention of cruelty to animals based on Islamic tenets. It was time to ensure that all precepts laid down in the Qur’an against cruelty to animals were followed strictly everywhere in the world. Therefore he wants to start a unite of the Society for Protection of Cruelty to Animals in the Islamic world. Animal welfare worker Al Hafiz Masri would love to see the world embrace vegetarianism. In his book Islamic concern for Animals, Al Hafiz Marsi has expressed sorrow about the excessive killing of animals in the name of religion. Quoting from the Holy Qur’an Majeed and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, he described all acts of torturing of animals, and even keeping birds in cages as sinful. According to him even the cutting of trees is prohibited in Islam. On page 18 the Imam Saheb has repeated the saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad: “There is no one who kills even a sparrow or anything smaller, without its deserving it, but God will question him about it.” “He who takes pity even on a sparrow and spares its life. Allah will be merciful on him on the day of Judgment.”
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:22:23 +0000

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