Plz Read Very IMP Notice After sending His Last Holy and - TopicsExpress


Plz Read Very IMP Notice After sending His Last Holy and Beloved Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (Suallu Alaihe Wa Aalehi Wasallam) and putting seal on the Prophethood, Almighty Allah ordered His Holy Prophet (SAW) to announce spread of Seeraat-e-Mustaqeem through Walayat. There is holy saying of the Holy Prophet (SAW), “Walayt is the deputation of Nabuwah”. The great Religion Islam was given total perfection by Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet (SAW) deputed his cousin Hazrat Ali-al Murtaza (AS) as the Commander/Leader of Mutaqeen and he is the Chief of Aulia Allah being first Wali Allah. There is saying of the Holy Prophet (SAW), “Ali is to me as Haroon is to Mosa but no one will be called Nabi after me”. The Holy Prophet (SAW) granted His Holy Turban of Prophethood to Hazrat Ali (AS), he to his son Hazrat Hasan (AS), he to his brother Hazrat Hussain (AS), he to his son Hazrat Zain-al Abideen (AS) in the field of Karbala, he to his son Hazrat Muhammad Baqar (AS), he to his son Hazrat Jaffer Sadiq (AS), he to his son Hazrat Mosa Kazaky Led Zeppelin Valentino Rossi VR46 Official (AS), he to his son Hazrat Ali Raza (AS), he to his son Hazrat Muhammad Taqi (AS), he to his son Hazrat Naqi (AS), he is to son Hazrat Hassan Askari (AS) and finally he to his son Hazrat Muhammad Mehdi (AS) to whom Almighty Allah concealed for appearance at specific time. This fact is known by all Muslims of any fiqah that Hazrat Imam Mehdi (AS) will re-appeare. The second meeting of all those who made wish for Almighty Allah was held at the seventh sky in which Allah took allegiance from those souls who made wish for Almighty Allah and nothing else, in favour of his beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Suallu Alaihe Wa Aalehi Wasalam). The right and power to make Wali Allah are with Hazrat Ali (AS), as per saying of Holy Prophet (SAW). Who establishes true and sound belief in the Oneness of Almighty Allah, all Holy Books (previous and present) and does not doubt, day of recurrection, Allah’s Angels, all past Prophets/Messengers, does ibadat as Holy Prophet (SAW) demonstrated, keeps true love with Holy Prophet (SAW) and His Ahle Bait Athaar (AS), possesses high moral character as Holy Prophet (SAW) demonstrated in his life time, can become Wali Allah by giving Oath of Allegiance on the hand of a Wali Allah. Since new children are taking birth every moment, there is need to help them enter Islam completely, as per Holy Quran, and for this purose, Oath of Allegiance on the hand of a Wali Allah is compulsory, just like Sahaba Kiram (RA) gave Oath of Allegiance on the holy hands of Holy Prophet (SAW). The practice of taking Oath of Allegiance is Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW) which is continued by Aulia Allah so far. After giving Oath of Allegiance by reading Qalma Tayyaba, Almighty Allah forgives all previous sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. It may be mentioned that sins committed directly effect the soul and look like black spots. When the sins are forgiven, Allah’s Nur i.e. Nur-e-Emaan comes as sign of his being a true Muslim. If the disciple of concerned Wali Allah strictly follows his Shaikh (Spiritual Guide) and his teachings, Holy Prophet (SAW) comes in his dream. There is holy saying of Holy Prophet (SAW), “He who saw Myself, saw Almighty Allah”. Now one can think easily who saw Almighty Allah never die but transfer from one place to another. There holy saying of Allah i.e. Hadith-e-Qudsi, “My Aulia do not die but transfer from one place to another”. There are shrines of Aulia Allah in India as well as Pakistan and Muslims visit them for the sake of their worldly and religious betterment and pray to Almighty Allah making Aulia Allah as source (waseela) and they do receive Allah’s blessings. May Almighty Allah help readers of this post understand and act accordingly to find nearness of Almighty Allah. Ameen The mysteries and spiritual knowledge stated above are the blessings of Almighty Allah and His Holy Prophet (SAW) through the Chief Qalander Sarkar Noor Allah Marqadah.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 11:28:48 +0000

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