Plz sign the petition...!! Uttarakhand has yet to recover from - TopicsExpress


Plz sign the petition...!! Uttarakhand has yet to recover from the brutality of nature that swept across most parts of the state in June 2013. Apart from sketchy monetary compensation, the state government has miserably failed in the planning and execution of the entire rehabilitation and rebuilding process. Roads, bridges and livelihoods are yet to be repaired and normalcy yet to return. Trained and empowered manpower that should rebuild the state is missing. There are only 60 IAS officers in the state against the cadre strength of 120. There is lack of coordination amongst the various ministers and their departments. With the Uttarakhand Chief Minister Shri Harish Rawat in AIIMS since the past one month, the limited patch work that could have taken place has also stopped. The major focus of the government has been to restart the pilgrimage to Kedarnath, the epicenter of last years disaster. In spite of this, there are 80% less pilgrims this year for the Char Dham Yatra. It is clear from all perspectives that the band-aid inspired model of Uttarakhand redevelopment has failed. Recent media reports have also reiterated the above facts. (CNN IBN June 15, 2014) What is the way out? First and foremost, it has to be accepted that the state government with all its limitations and lack of capabilities does not have the competence and resources to rebuild Uttarakhand. Repeated requests for thousands of crores or only discussing if we should have hydro power projects or not is not the answer for the woes of the state. It is in this context that this petition is being made to the Prime Minister seeking his personal and direct intervention in the rebuilding of Uttarakhand. What will be the starting point? The first priority should be to create an institution that is given the overall responsibility for the rebuilding of the state. This institution needs to be isolated from the clutches of the greedy and corrupt politicians of Uttarakhand. Armed with authority as well as autonomy and reporting only to the Prime Ministers Office (PMO), this institution should create, coordinate and complete the single point agenda of the rebuilding of the state. What will the rebuilding institution accomplish? In what way will it be different from all the other toothless authorities, nigams and departments in the state? Manned by committed professionals working with modern management tools, armed with domain knowledge and aided by technology - the rebuilding institution will be akin to a one stop solution provider for the ills and ailments of the state. Acting as a bridge between the centre and the state, the institution will have only one mandate which will be to rebuild the state. We need out of the box solutions to come out of this disaster. Hopefully, with the direct intervention of the Prime Minister and the involvement of the PMO, the rebuilding of our state will finally take place.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:03:31 +0000

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