Plz translate On the language issue. We understand that - TopicsExpress


Plz translate On the language issue. We understand that english is not some peoples first language and its hard to communicate. Use english if you can so ladies understand, help or learn from your comment. We will ask for a translation so dont be offended. We encourage other woman to start their own group or page or whatsapp group but you are always welcome here. Plz always be respectful compassionate and supportive. Try to give suggestions and encouragement rather than be judgemental. We will not tolerate people being disrespected. We are from all walks of life religions and cultures. Be aware that others may not hold your beliefs and respect that. We all make mistakes of course so use your edit or delete feature if you make a mistake. And never be afraid to say I am sorry I misunderstood. There are myths and rumours about HIV all the time. We hope by being Open and Proud to break the stigma and myths about HIV. We hope to educate others about HIV. We hope to provide support to HIV+ woman and those affected by HIV. We also want to help HIV+ feel as if they are part of a community of woman who love care and support them. A little love and support can go a long way when someone is feeling isolated. Mean and damning words can make things so much worse. Can ladies translate to other languages so others can read.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:01:23 +0000

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