Pneumonia (cough) take 3 (cough, conclusion, cough, - TopicsExpress


Pneumonia (cough) take 3 (cough, conclusion, cough, cough) TASTE - For those of you ( KiKi Suttle) asking about Nebulizor and/or breathing treatments. Yes. The answer is yes. 5 or 6 times a day. The good thing is they give you about a hundred of those little tube things in a box. Used to use only a few a year. Individual tube things, not boxes. Ahh, but with pneumonia, you will probably use them all. The whole shebang. The entire box. Of course when you have that many treatments your taste buds go dead. Everything tastes the same. All of a sudden all those people that couldnt tell the difference between Pepsi (gag) and Coke, imitation vanilla (gag) and real vanilla, wimpy vanilla (gag) vs French vanilla ice cream, hydrox (gag) vs know, the poor people that HAVE no tastebuds working....ones that Ive pitied....well Im one of THEM now! Yep! Had home-made gumbo...all I can say is it was warm on my throat! Pumpkin cake....hmmmm. ....I can tell a different part of my tongue noticed the difference, but no taste whatsoever! Phooey! Of all the times not to be able to taste....Thanksgiving???? Really???? Breathing is wonderful, but TASTE has been my LIFE!!! I think Im Im gonna have to get a new life...and at MY age! SLEEP - I now sleep anywhere and everywhere. On chairs (dr office, church), recliners, couches, during phone conversations, wherever I am still a few minutes, my eyes close and I doze..... ( is that my age - heaven forbid - or being worn out from breathing?) BREATHING - used to take deep breaths and talk forever... Now I just breathe in a shallow way, shorter breaths, and fewer words...or it causes a coughing fit......hmmmmmm no wonder Melvins been in a good mood.... SMELL - gone the way of my taste......did you put your deodorant on? Did you have Italian last night, pizza for lunch? How would I know? My nose is just a nose strange..... SINGING/VOICE - talking is an effort and I find myself not speaking very loud because it takes too much oxygen. Singing....anyone who knows me knows I sing everywhere all the time..and especially in church. But today when I went to service, I tried the first few words and went into a coughing fit. Waited a few lines, tried it again, and went into a coughing fit......this wont I did the unthinkable...I just talked to the Lord while everyone else sang. And it was amazing. What can I say? In the presence of the Lord with no noise at all. No singing. No talking. Just listening and standing in His presence..... Hmmmmmmm. Learning new ways to do things ........maybe this pneumonia hasnt been the worst time in the world after all. And maybe, just maybe an old dog CAN learn a few new tricks.......
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:44:01 +0000

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