Pocket Devotions Day 1342: Different Yet Similar? 1 - TopicsExpress


Pocket Devotions Day 1342: Different Yet Similar? 1 Corinthians 15:48b-49 ...and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man. Thoughts for Today: A few evenings ago, my wife Sherry posed a question for family discussion related to heaven. She asked, When we get to heaven, do you think we will be aware of those who are not there? Thats a great question, and I dont know that anyone has the right answer. What I do know is what Paul says in our passage today [my slight revision]: As earthly people we are of the earth, as heavenly people we are of heaven -- and just as we have born the image of the earthly man [Adam], so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man [Jesus]. I think this passage says two things: First, were definitely going to be different in heaven than we are on earth. And not just our bodies. Our thoughts, ideas, priorities, circumstances, perspectives -- all will be vastly changed. And second, we will still preserve the essence of what makes us up individually. In my wifes case, I am quite sure she will retain a similar type of compassion for others. It just might be manifested in a completely different way in heaven than it is on earth. How so? I could only guess. Questions to Ponder: We know the negative aspects of our personalities wont follow us into heaven, but what about our positive attributes? What are some of yours? Make a list and pray about each one. Ask the Lord how you can accentuate the positive and leave the negative behind. Your Daily Impact Do you have a question about the Leagues ministry, organization, or programs? Go to the Leagues Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for the answers to a wide variety of common questions people ask us.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 20:09:30 +0000

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