Point of Reiteration on the MDC-Renewals: On MDC-Renewals and - TopicsExpress


Point of Reiteration on the MDC-Renewals: On MDC-Renewals and their slowness in realizing what is good and bad for Zimbabwe, their complicity and bad record on sanctions and involvement in chaos politics: Whilst the MDC-Renewalss recent efforts to effect peaceful leadership change are very good, looking at the MDC-Renewals very bad and dirty record against Zimbabwe- their very bad and dirty record of supporting sanctions against Zimbabwe as well as participation in chaos(anarchy) politics when they were together with Mr Tsvangirai, Looking at the MDC-Renewals very slowness in realizing what is good and bad against Zimbabwe for example it took them more than 10 years to realize that the foreign sanctions they called and supported against Zimbabwe are bad and then started calling for their removal but still refusing to call them sanctions but ratherrestrictive measures and in so doing putting the sincerity of their new found anti-sanctions stance into serious doubt; It took them more than 10 years to realize that Mr Tsvangirai is a very bad leader unqualified to be state President- or is it that they knew all along but for selfish reasons decided to stick with him? When Professor Ncube left Tsvangirai, Biti and crew decided to stick with Tsvangirai only to realize almost 10 years later that Ncube was right on Tsvangirai. It has also taken them more than 10 years to realize that chaos(anarchy) politics does more harm than good to the nation and they have since refrained from organizing chaotic protests. Its going to take them more than 10 years to realize that dependance on Western foreign funding has more costs than benefits. With such slowness in realizing what is good for Zimbabwe and what is bad for Zimbabwe, and with their lack of show of remorse for their complicity in calling and supporting the destructive sanctions against Zimbabwe, and with such a very bad and dirty record against Zimbabwe combined with their leader Tendai Bitis dangerous plan to declare Zimbabwe a HIPC(highly indebted poor country) thinking that will attract loans from foreign lenders yet carring the risk of burdening Zimbabwe with more debt, if the Renewals were to be the Government of Zimbabwe, they would be too slow to realize what is good or bad for Zimbabwe and their term would run out before they realize what is good or bad for Zimbabwe. Their too much dependancy on foreign funding especially Western funding is a serious cause for concern because it carries the high risk of throwing Zimbabwe into deeper debt and foreign control, foreign interfeence and foreign exploitation. Looking at the record of the MDC-Renewals who have been MPs such as Biti, what is there to show for the more than 10 years he has been an MP? All such things do not show a party that can provide the much needed new and better Governent of Zimbabwe that has no bad record of calling and supporting sanctions, chaos politics or involvement in corruption and looting. Its not even clear if the renewals have renewed themselves from their sins of calling and supporting santions against Zimbabwe, their participation in chaos politics amongst other shenanigans. The renewals should renew themselves first before they can try to renew others. They must show true repentance and reform and remorse if they are to be truly considered repented from participating in bad things against Zimbabwe.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:46:43 +0000

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