Poison Soda Pop–10 Reasons to Give It Up November 27, 2007 Ok, - TopicsExpress


Poison Soda Pop–10 Reasons to Give It Up November 27, 2007 Ok, another list… just want to get a point across. In my region, it is called POP. Some call it soda. Some call it soda pop. Some call it sodypop. Tell me some other names please. Ahhhh that by any other name would smell as sweet. I wish. But, guys, guess what? Pop is flavored sugar water( 10 tsp. at least) with no nutrients, hidden calories and poisonous combinations contained in a 12 oz. can. Here are 10 Reasons to Give It up (NOW) 1) Pop makes you age faster because of its dehydrating qualities. It promotes a condition called chronic cellular dehydration where your cells lack proper hydration. This makes your body acidic–the primo environment to grow disease. 2) You can gain weight drinking soda pop. It causes heightened cravings for carbs. 3) Obesity has been linked to drinking massive quantities of soda pop. Hidden calories…you don’t realize the caloric intake with every sip of pop. 4) Soda pop promotes tooth decay. All that acid in your mouth has an incredibly harmful effect on enamel. If you sip on a can of pop over the course of an hour, your mouth will stay acidic for another 90 minutes. 5 ) Soda pop has been proven to cause osteoporosis. The high concentration of phosphoric acid without the presence of calcium or magnesium, depletes the bones of calcium. Studies are showing with the steady increase in soda pop consumption and consuming massive amounts on a daily basis, osteoporosis will increase to epidemic proportions in the years to come. 6) Soda pop lowers your immune system. Up to four or five hours after consuming a can of pop, your white blood cells have a lowered ability to kill bacteria. 7) Soda pop makes your mouth acidic which encourages the growth of bacteria and thus, cavities. 8) The caffeine in soda pop can cause nervousness, restlessness, inability to concentrate, and insomnia. 9) Aspartame, Splenda and Nutrisweet are categorized as neurotoxins and ever present in diet soda pop. When consumed in large quantities attacks nervous system resulting in aches pains, brain tumors, seizures. 10) Like smoking, soda pop is addictive. The caffeine, the sugar, the bubbles, the combination of chemicals makes you crave more and more and more. For one can of pop, you have to drink twenty-two glasses of water to counterbalance and flush out the negative effects and bring balance back to your body. Wow. All I can say is… Drink water! Drink every hour. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate…your cells will be happy you did.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:20:22 +0000

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