Poisons for the ignorant masses to destroy the imune system.. - TopicsExpress


Poisons for the ignorant masses to destroy the imune system.. Vaccines contain much more than just viruses. They also contain a range of ingredients that may include antibiotics, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), bovine fetal tissue, polysorbate and heavy metals like aluminum and the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. Taking a chance on injecting that cocktail straight into a growing baby’s bloodstream, thus bypassing the majority of the child’s natural immune system and allowing it to go directly into the kid’s tiny developing brain, all to attempt to protect from a disease he or she may never even contract does seem ill-advised at best, and it’s a chance more and more parents are less likely to take these days [4:27:05 PM] Peter Eugene: activistpost/2014/03/pro-vaccination-propaganda-is.html [4:30:04 PM] Peter Eugene: Here is a site that proves what I have been saying all alon-- Click on this link and see the irrevocable Proof. Tell the scum bags to stick the shots where the sun dont shine... it is your life and body.. no one has to ALLOW the poisoning of their bodies or that of their loved ones. Print this link to show to the next idiot/physician or medical practiontioner and tell them to go to the front of the line FIRST. see link: [4:31:43 PM] Peter Eugene: See for yourselves all the poisons they put in all the shots that the masses continue to take thru Propaganda and ignorance.. novaccine/specific-vaccines/
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:43:24 +0000

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