Pokeballs catch Pokemon, but what if a human was caught in a - TopicsExpress


Pokeballs catch Pokemon, but what if a human was caught in a Pokeball Que intro Can Pokeballs catch humans? A question that seemingly would be answered with, a No. However, where is the proof for that. Has anyone tested that. Did the good scientists at Silph Co try catching humans in Pokeballs? Well Lets investigate. This theory was suggested by many people, but the first was FatPikachu. I am going to extend this to can humans be captured by Pokeball like devices, such as the unique Pokeballs. Lets first begin by outlining what is necessary for a capture to occur and what is capturable. Pokemon are often contained in things known as Pokeballs for easy transportation and confinement of dangerous Pokemon. The invention of the Pokeball has been massproduced by several cooporations, mainly silph co. This is not a recent invention though, as the Pokeball has been around even before the mass production. People like Kurt would produce special Pokeballs from Apricorns. In ancient times Pokemon were known as magic creatures and they were contained by other means. There is no exact date on when humanity evolved and began capturing Pokemon, however Trainer AZ is over 3000 years old, so its safe to say that it has been a while. And while catching Pokemon is realitively simple, catching a human seems impossible. Think about it, capturing a human would be an alternative form of slavery. Perhaps team plasma and N was on to something...? Lets not get off track though. It would seem pretty immoral to be able to catch humans, and yet the question remains. Pokeballs can capture other things than just Pokemon though. There are several instances of Pokeballs catching different things other than a Pokemon. One examples is in Pokemon Season 1 Episode 24 - Primape goes Bannanas when Ash attempted to catch a Mankey he instead caught a rice ball, also known as a Donut. So it may not be so cut and dry after all. In episode 22 Season 1 The Tower of Terror, Ash attempts to battle and catch a ghost Pokemon. Assuming that it was a Ghost he orders two attacks, then throws a Pokeball. Instead of a Ghost Pokemon, it was only Team Rocket. The Pokeball hit Jessie square in the face, leaving a large red imprint but no capture. So Pokeballs dont have such a strong affect. But what about Primative Pokeballs, the first Pokeballs. In Episode 72, The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopilis, ancient devices hold the destructive Pokemon Gengar and Alakazam. The Pokemon that they hold are not important but what is important is that Gengars device specifically was able to capture Humans. While it may have more to do with Gengar than the device, it is not certain. But one thing is for sure, several humans were sucked into that ancient Pokeball. But Proto what about human shape Pokemon, but Proto why cant we catch humans, but Proto All hail the helix fossil! Random as ever comment section, Ill disregard that last statement, we all know Arkeus wouldnt be happy. One last thing I wanted to mention. In the Timegate Traveler Series featured in Pokéstar Studios, the future is ruled by Bug-type Pokémon that capture wild humans in Human Balls This is a parody of The Planet of the Apes movie, where the once enslaved apes rise up to enslave humans. So can Humans be captured in Pokeballs? No, but humans can be captured by ancient devices or in a terrible future. Now if youll excuse me, I need to go back in time and prevent Ash from catching that Caterpie in order to save the world! Thanks for watching Pokemaniacs and please remember to Like and Share my work. Have some evidence to add to this Theory, let me know in the comment section below, or comment your own theory youd like to see done. I am Protomario and I am Signing out Good gaming and God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:08:01 +0000

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