Pokémon Adventures: Orange Chapter 1: Piplup, I choose you! - TopicsExpress


Pokémon Adventures: Orange Chapter 1: Piplup, I choose you! It was a sunny, and bright day in Pallet town. In Late-August, the weather had cooled down a bit, compared to what it had been the previous months. The town almost had a drought because of the scorching temperatures! Thanks to Prof.Oak, and his water type Pokémon, the town was safe in hands. The tree’s bloomed a luscious deep green colour, and swayed in the wind. Men, women, and children walked through-out the town with their Pokémon. Our journey starts off with a young man named Flame. Today was his special day, he had just turned 10! Which meant, he could officially start his adventure as a Pokémon Trainer! It wasn’t just his birthday that made today special, but also a specific event. Today was the first time in history, that every single “ Starter Pokémon” from all of the regions; Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, were available to new trainers. And it was a one-time only deal! Now, Flame had already had a Pokémon of his own. Elekid. Elekid was like Flame’s best friend. They played together, ate together, they practically did almost everything as one. Elekid was given to Flame by his father when he was only 3 years old. Elekid had sort of developed this role in the house as the “ House Pet”, But Flame thought of Elekid as more than just a pet. He thought of Elekid as his friend. Although he wasn’t allowed to leave the town, or battle with Elekid for that matter. But, it all changes today... Flame was all ready, He was sitting on his bed, bent over, tying his left shoe. He was wearing a yellow vest, with a sleek collar that he flipped up. His hair stuck up, and spiked off to the side. His hair was a very dark, crimson colour. His pants were long, and almost skin tight, with an added “poofy” look around the thighs. They were a sleek, jet black colour. Flame’s shoes were black, also, and had Yellow thunder-bolts on the sides. He was wearing gloves, that were black, and, like much of his outfit, had a yellow thunder-bolt pattern. The index finger, and pinkie fingers were cut off. Flame looked up, at his Pokéball alarm clock, and hurriedly finished tying his shoe. “ C’mon Elekid!” Elekid had been at the foot of Flame’s bed, spinning his arms around in a windmill pattern, generating small sparks, and jolts of electricity between his two sparkplug like prongs protruding from his head. Flame grabbed his backpack off the foot of his bed. It was blue, and had a Pokéball symbol on it. He slung it over his shoulder, and patted the bed. Elekid jumped onto the bed, and planted himself on Flame’s backpack, holding onto his shoulders. “ Ele, elekid!” Flame smiled, and dashed towards his door. He grabbed the knob, and opened his door, not even shutting it on the way out. ~ Oh man, I hope they still have some Pokémon left~ Flame though as he hustled down the stairs. Flame’s mom had been in the kitchen, jostling through the fridge. “ Bye mom! I’m going to go get my Pokémon! I’ll be back later!” Flame’s mom jumped, obviously startled by Flame’s sudden statement, and bumped her head on the top of the fridge. “ Ow!” She yelled, and backed out. She rubbed her head with her right hand, and closed the fridge door with her left. She walked towards the stairs, and proceeded to Flame’s room. It was a MESS. The blanket was laid strewn across the floor, his pillow was at the foot of his bed, clothes of all sorts were scattered around the room. A pair of dirty socks hung on the corner of one of his opened drawers in his dresser. Flame’s mom sighed, “ That boy...” “ Huff.. Puff... huhghh.... “ Flame pants as he sprints down the road. Elekid would be bouncing happily on Flame’s backpack, “ Ele, Elekid!” Flame suddenly stops, seeing a huge crowd in front of what was Prof. Oaks lab. They were all huddled around something. Flame scootched and squirmed in between the people to find a girl standing in the middle of the crowd. She had long brown hair that reached down to her back. She was wearing a light pink tank top, that had sort of a V-neck shape to it. She wore jean shorts, that cut off right about 6-7 inches above her knee. She was also wearing a pair of black sunglasses, and pink sandals to match her top. She had a purse hanging over her shoulder. On the ground, next to her, was a Chikorita. Her and the Chikorita were posing as men and women on the inside of the circle took pictures of her. “ Oh wow... “ Flame thought out-loud. He rushed forward; “ Hey!” Flame exclaimed. “ That’s a cool Pokémon you got there! Did you get that from Professor Oak?” Flame asked, excited. Elekid had jumped down from Flame’s shoulders, and greeted Chikorita, puffing out his chest. “ Ele, Elekid!” Chikorita Hmmphed, flipped it’s leaf to the side, and looked away. And that’s exactly what this girl did to Flame. “ Erm... “ Flame pondered. “ My name is Flame, what’s yours?” The girl tipped her sunglasses, and spit her gum on the ground next to her. “ Kassandra, with a “K”!” When she said “ K” a bit of spit flew off of her lip and hit Flame’s cheek. “ Ew... “ Flame wiped his cheek, and edged around her. “Uhm.. ok.. nice meetin’ ya.. C’mon Ele!” Elekid trotted off after Flame. He squeezed through the crowd once more, and ran up the steps to Prof. Oaks lab. The double doors were wide open. As soon as he entered, he saw 15, what looked like, Steel podiums. They encircled the room. On Top of the podiums were pedestals, that had a rounded, bowl shaped holder on the top. Below, on the face of the podium, was a screen, depicting what Pokémon were at each podium. Flame looked around the room, and saw trainers watching the screens on various podiums. Some of the Pokéballs on the pedestals were gone, like the one for Chikorita. “ Hm.. I guess she DID get it from Professor Oak. “ Flame walked around the room, looking at all the screens, regardless if that Pokémon was taken or not. Just as he reached Turtwigs, a hand rested on his shoulder. Flame turned, and looked up only to see Prof. Oak. “ Hello there Flame, come to get a starter Pokémon? “ Prof. Oak asked. “ Hey Professor Oak! Yea, today is my 10th birthday, so I can finally become a Pokémon trainer!” Flame exclaimed. “Aha.. Well, make sure you pick a Pokémon that suits you! How is Elekid doing?” Elekid jumped from behind Flame, and placed his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest. “ Ele, elekid!” Elekid smiles. “ He is doing great, as you can see!” Prof. Oak bend down, and pulled out a brown pellet, which was about the size of his palm, and handed it to Elekid. “ There you go Elekid, “ He stands up, and places his hands on his hips smiling. “ I’m glad to see you two are in perfect shape. It was nice talking with you again, Flame! Make sure you come see me when you have chosen a Pokémon that you like!” Prof.Oak walks off, and greets another trainer who happened to be looking for a Pokémon. Flame slowly walks around the room, until he stumbled upon Bulbasaur. Flame watched the screen, depicting Bulbasaur, and looked down at Elekid. “ Well buddy, I think we found our next partner!” Just as Flame placed his hand on the Pokéball, so did another hand. Flame looked up to see another trainer. He had long black hair, and was wearing a black vest, with a black shirt on underneath. There was a Pokéball symbol on his shirt. He has long, black leather pants. His shoes were about the same as Flame’s, but they were red, and they lacked the lightning bolt symbols on it. He had black bandages wrapping his wrists, and red eyes. On his shoulder sat an Eevee. But there was something unusual about this Eevee, it was pure white, the little scruff on it’s tail a darker shade of gray. It’s eyes were red, but it looked like any other happy Eevee. Flame has seen a considerable amount of Eevee’s over his life, seeing as most of the people in Pallet town kept them as house pets. “ What’re you doing?” Asked the newcomer. “ /I/ want this Bulbasaur. “ Flame said through gritted teeth. “ Well, you’re not getting it because it’s MINE. I was here FIRST. “ The newcomer said, also through some gritted teeth of his own. “ No you weren’t, “ declared Flame, “ I was here first! I had my hand on it before you did!” “ Grr, No you didn’t!” The newcomer shouted. No one else in the lab seemed to notice the two arguing. “ Heheh... Is that your Elekid?” He asked. “ Sure is. “ Said Flame, patting Elekids head. “ Good. Then we can have a battle. Me, and my Eevee, against you and your Elekid. Whoever wins, gets Bulbasaur. Deal?” Flame nodded vigorously “ You’re on!” Flame, along with his Elekid, and this new trainer with his Eevee, had found a clearing in the forest next to Pallet town. Luckily, before they left, Flame had told Prof. Oak to put Bulbasaur on hold. “ Alright Elekid, you’re up bud!” Elekid jumped in front of Flame, and took a battle stance by putting his left foot in front of his right foot, and both arms cocked back. “ Eevee, get ready to battle!” Eevee jumps off of the newcomers shoulder, and runs forward, setting itself into a battle position of it’s own. “ Ready to lose? Hahha!” bellowed the newcomer. “ Grr... “ Flame’s face flushed red with frustration. “ Okay Elekid, use Thundershock!” Elekids body would be engulfed with yellow electricity, as it sparks off and shoots in a thunderbolt like fashion towards Eevee. “ Eevee, dodge it! And use Quick Attack!” Eevee dashes forward, a white streak of energy being left in it’s tracks. Eevee slams it’s body right into Elekid, and stops. Elekid is sent flying, as he crashes right into a tree. “ Elekid, no!” Flame cries out. Elekid stumbles out of the bushes, minimal scratches covering his body, as he regains his fighting stance. “ Okay Elekid, use Low kick!” Elekid’s left foot would glow white, as he runs towards Eevee. “ Ele, Ele, Ele, Ele! Elekid!” Elekid swings his foot at Eevee’s head. “ Eevee, duck, and use Tail Whip in Elekid’s face!” Eevee jumps off of it’s hind legs, and holds itself up with it’s two from legs, wiping it’s tail across Elekid’s face. Elekid’s foot stops glowing, and he rubs his hands in his face. “ Ele, elekid!” “ Alright Eevee, now use Tackle!” Eevee runs towards Elekid. “ OK Elekid, use Thundershock!” Elekid would throw it’s arms off to the side, cocking them at the elbow. “ Elleeee....kiiiiiiiiiiddd!” Yellow electricity consumes Elekids body, and Eevee slams it’s shoulder into Elekids body. Eevee flinches, and jumps back from Elekid as it got shocked. Elekid is sent flying, and lands on it’s back at Flame’s feet. It’s eyes were swirls, indicating that Elekid was no longer able to battle. “ Oh no.. “ Flame whispered. “ Elekid.. “ He leans down, and scoops Elekid up. “ Ha! Nice job Eevee. “ Eevee runs over to the newcomers shoulders, and he leans down so that it could jump onto his shoulders. He stands back up straight, and walks towards Flame. “ That was a good battle. But, I won. So I get Bulbasaur. “ He continues walking past Flame. “ Waiit!” Flame yelled. He stood up straight as well, and turned around to face the newcomer. “ I never caught your name, I’m Flame, by the way. “ He turns around to face Flame, and nods. “ I’m Blake. “ Flame smiles, and yells after Blake. “ I won’t be so easy next time!!” Blake keeps on walking, waving his hand behind himself to Flame. Elekid looked up at Flame. “ Ele... Elekid..” Flame hugged Elekid tight. “ It’s ok. You did your best. And you paralyzed him! So there’s that! We just have to work hard for next time! Let’s go get our new partner, and then we’ll go take a rest. “ Flame again, walked back up the steps to Prof.Oak’s lab. The crowd out front had disappeared, as did most of the trainers inside. Flame looked around the room, and there was only one Pokéball left. Flame walked to the podium, and stared at the screen. It was Piplup. Flame sighed, and grabbed the Pokéball. He held it up to his face, and then looked around the lab. Prof. Oak and 2 of his assistants were huddled around a desk. Elekid had returned to his position on Flame’s backpack. Flame trotted over to Prof. Oak. “ Hey, Professor Oak, I picked my Pokémon!” Prof. Oak turned around, and smiled. “ Oh goody goody. It’s good you showed up when you did, we were about to shut the whole festival down. Anyways, here. There is one last Trainer Package left for you. “ He walked right, to another desk that contained 5 small Pokéballs, and a red Pokédex. Flame’s eyes lit up with excitement. “ Wow... “ Prof. Oak grabbed one of the 5 Pokéballs from the set, and stuffed it in his lab coat pocket. “ You won’t be needing that. You can only carry six Pokémon with you at one time. If you catch anymore than that, you’re going to have to store them in your PC. Or send them to me! Here you are...” He hands Flame the 4 Pokéballs, and Flame clips them to his belt. Prof. Oak grabs the Pokédex, and holds it out to Flame. “ Now, that is a Pokédex. It is a highly developed piece of technology, invented by me, of course! It records every single Pokémon you come across. It is basically like a digital Pokémon encyclopedia. I feel you are responsible, and skilled enough to hold one.” He smiles down at Flame, patting his back. “ Now you go off on your journey, and collect all the data you can while you’re at it!” Flame grins, and sticks his Pokédex in his pocket. Prof.Oak opened his mouth to say something, but Flame was already dashing out of the door and down the steps before he could get a sound out. Prof. Oak chuckled lightly to himself. “ Ahh.. that boy. “ Flame was in the middle of the forest, in the same clearing that he had battled the newcomer trainer, Blake. He figured this was a good place to finally meet Piplup. Flame reached behind himself, grabbed Piplup’s Pokéball, and taps the button. The miniscule Pokéball enlarged, and Flame threw it up in the air. “ Ok Piplup! Come on out!” A red beam of light shoots out from the Pokéball, and takes the form of Piplup. It sparkles, and Piplup looks up at Flame. “ Pip, Pip! Pipluuuuuup!” Elekid runs around from behind Flame, and puffs out his chest; His usual way of greeting new people. “ Ele!” “ Piiip!” Flame though to himself, “ Heh... They’re getting along great. “ He leaned down, and patted both of their heads. “ Hi Piplup! My name is Flame, and this is Elekid. You’re with us now!” Piplup jumped up, and whipped Flame across the face with it’s fin, turning it’s head the other way. “ Uhm... Ouch!” Flame yelled. “ Why did you hit me? Grr... Nevermind.. “ Flame reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his Pokédex. He flips it open, and points it towards Piplup. The usual robotic tone would emit from the speakers, as the Pokédex says out loud; “ Piplup, The Penguin Pokémon. Piplup’s limited walking skills often causes it to fall down, but that never hurts its pride. “ Flame thought to himself, “ Huh..” As Elekid and Piplup chased each other around. Piplup tripped, and fell over, falling straight on it’s face. “ Piiiip!’ Piplup sits up, and Elekid laughs at her. Flame chuckles a little bit himself too, and Piplup sticks out her chest, always full of pride. “ Okay guys, it’s time to move out. I think.. Viridian city is our next stop!” To be continued.......
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 19:32:58 +0000

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