Police Detain 6 UNZA Students, Releases 70 Police in Lusaka has - TopicsExpress


Police Detain 6 UNZA Students, Releases 70 Police in Lusaka has released 70 students from the University of Zambia following riots that started on Thursday and were quelled but later resumed on Saturday. Six of the students arrested are still detained and facing charges of riotous behaviour. The six are expected to appear in court today. An initial number of more that 30 students were picked up after Thursday riots with a further 46 students rounded up following Saturday riots. The students staged a demonstration to press for the release of their incarcerated colleagues following the confusion that emanated on Thursday evening. Students had staged a protest on Thursday night demanding that they be allowed to stay within campus during the holiday that starts this Friday and matters spiraled out of hand when the police officers stormed campus firing teargas and arresting over 30 students. On Friday matters calmed down but the students regrouped on Saturday after they learnt that their colleagues had not yet been released by the police. The students that gathered in the morning were further incensed by news that the union leaders had also been picked. Police once again stormed campus and fired teargas to quell the demonstration and arrested another 46 students. On Thursday, the students staged a demonstration over management’s decision to stop them from staying campus during the Christmas break when the school closes. The students who had gathered at the Monk Square around 20:00 hours resolved to defy management’s decision. However, the situation spiralled out of control when the police officers in riot gear turned up to break up the gathering throwing teargas that sent the students in all directions. The police sealed off part of Great East Road from Arcades Round about to Munali Round about. zambiareports/2013/12/16/police-detain-6-unza-students-releases-70/
Posted on: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 05:35:59 +0000

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