Police End Illegal Occupation of Bodenham Manor, - TopicsExpress


Police End Illegal Occupation of Bodenham Manor, Herefordshire West Mercia Police officers have entered the site of Bodenham Manor in Herefordshire this morning to deal with people who, it is believed, have illegally occupied the property since Saturday afternoon (16 August). A man in his 50s was arrested for burglary after a caravan was broken into on the site over the weekend. A man his 40s was arrested on suspicion of the offence of squatting in a residential building* and seven further people were summonsed to appear at Hereford Magistrates’ Court to be dealt with for the same offence. Three people who were in the grounds of the manor, but not in the manor itself, were directed to leave under criminal justice and public order legislation and served notices to leave the site, which they did. Superintendent Sue Thomas, policing commander for Herefordshire, said: “Since this group of people moved into Bodenham Manor on Saturday, officers have maintained a small presence there while we assessed their legal status and whether any criminal offences had occurred. “Throughout, we have liaised with both them and the owner of the property. He is a private owner who bought the manor this year and has been attempting to renovate the building while living on site in a caravan, which was broken into this weekend. “The last week has been very distressing for him because he has felt intimidated by those on the site and unable to enter his legally held property. It is not acceptable that a group of people can take over someone’s home and claim it for themselves. “The operation was generally peaceful and the majority of people we dealt with were co-operative and we thank them for that. We are satisfied we have cleared the site and it can now be returned to its lawful owner.” *Section 144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LAPOA) sets out, with effect from 1 September 2012, a specific offence of squatting in a residential building.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:02:04 +0000

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