Police Reforms and Real Structural Change Needed in your Lok Sabha - TopicsExpress


Police Reforms and Real Structural Change Needed in your Lok Sabha Manifesto Dear Kejriwal ji, Thanks for the reply to my emails. Me and my friends are fiercely debating on systemic changes and we are also getting strong cues about systemic faults in Police System of the country which is eminently Victorian era. I support your anti-corruption agenda but only Lokpal and other institutions are not enough for the broader malaise that enslaves the system. I am sorry to say this but reality is that Lokpal will be only a temporary and surface level solution to a deep rooted problem because Lokpal will only deter people from doing wrong things but the root of corruption will remain unchanged. Police machinery is >92% constabulary which is the contact point of people on the ground. Roots of corruption in Victorian Era 21st Century Police System:: 1. Lack of Manpower which forces corrupt practices when volunteers are recruited or any investigation is done because manpower is the need of the hour esp women constables [Need of women is atleast 30% of total and atleast one in each station]. 2. Lack of Funds in Police Stations for investigations and petrol and other stationary causes unnecessary looting of peoples money and breeds insensitivity in police and common people because of the fear of extra expenditure. This is the main reason which causes constabulary to spend their own money on processes of postmortem, movement of bodies, and each and every work which they need to do. This makes issues of income shortage and thereby bribery by the constable. 3. Misuse of Constabulary by the ruling class which causes loss of dignity and respect in constables and Beat police man and causes stress and anxiety and becomes biggest reason to leave the job or do suicides. 4. Promotion level only till ASI for constable for full 30-40 yrs of service which makes them unmotivated for service. 5. No Quarter or bad facilities in police quarters causes the children of police constables to study in scarcity. 6. No proper working hours for constabulary causing them out of home for 3-4 days at a stretch and forces them to live in the stations in dire conditions which again demotivates them from doing quality work. 7. Desire of upper officials to show lower levels of FIRs in reports for crime reporting as performance parameter which is not only wrong but also farcical trend. This forces Stations Officers to deter the people from registering FIRs [which is actually mandatory to write] and even forcing people to compromise outside in heinous cases of rapes and other violence. 8. No camera surveillance in stations which gives police officers to misbehave and avoid accountability on custodial rapes and murders/deaths and tortures. 9. Investigation and forensic training is given on record to police but Forensic Labs are again short of manpower and ill equipped with instruments and are too few to respond quickly. 10. Judiciary is also again too slow on cases because of all above reasons and judge is helpless because he may know from inside that the accused is indeed the convict but lack of evidence due to all above reasons causes him to release the convict and make the victim suffer for life in search of justice losing faith in the system. 11. Political rulers and bureaucrats want to rule on police making them [constables] do their household work. 12. Collection of funds from people is done via grabbing and looting from businesses frequently which has a distribution hierarchy to top levels till executive. 13. Bureaucrats will never accept any change in the system because it is they who are benefited from such system. Proposed Systemic Changes:: 1. There is a clear need for remodelling of the Police System on the lines of Current British Police System i.e. single window entry for all from the level of constable to reach upto DGP level according to performance criteria and professionalism and service aptitude because it gives every person in the hierarchy a wealth of experience in problem solving on the ground along with motivation to serve people better. Other very important solutions are:: 2. IPC, CrPC and Evidence Act are British Legacies and must be modified and made people serving. 3. Police -people interaction must be increased. [e.g. Kerala Model of Policing] 4. Implementation of Prakash Singh Judgement of SC by all state govts. My only request is that this 18th century model of policing must change and I want your party to consider these points while deciding your manifesto. Biggest hope for todays youth is your party which I appreciate doing real work on the ground. If you raise these issues then people will listen to you and consider you as a real ground breaker on issues of the people. All the best for Lok Sabha Elections.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:08:29 +0000

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