Police are being targeted for violence and death now. Let me tell - TopicsExpress


Police are being targeted for violence and death now. Let me tell the world in my own way that police are not the problem. Well they are your problem if you break the law but these brave men and women chose a profession that puts theirs lives in jeopardy to protect all of US, black, white, asian, hispanic, it doesnt matter, to protect ALL of US, as Americans. 6 of my very good friends and 2 of my very best friends since childhood are Police Officers and they didnt magically become heros upon taking the oath. These guys were heros as children. Each and every one of them have the most upstanding character and morals. If you are afraid of the police you need to take a look at your record and behavior and if you are thinking about targeting the police for violence, especially the men and women that I know personally, well that would be a huge huge mistake. Do yourself a favor, do your friends and family a favor, take responsibility for yourself and clean your act up. Blaming the police will get you nowhere, literally.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:33:39 +0000

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