Police are trying to trace an elderly man who prevented a robber - TopicsExpress


Police are trying to trace an elderly man who prevented a robber from leaving a Salford shop. At 9.40am on Wednesday 4 December 2014, an offender entered P and H Convenience on Bolton Road, Swinton and threatened a shop assistant at knifepoint. On seeing what was happening, an elderly man who was walking past the shop grabbed hold of the door, preventing the offender from leaving. He was assisted by another elderly man, both of whom were able to keep the door closed despite the robber’s frantic attempts to open it, forcing him to run upstairs. He escaped through a window and was detained by the two men and a number of other members of the public who had congregated. Police attended and an 18-year-old man was arrested and subsequently charged with robbery. Neighbourhood Inspector Dianne Errington, said: “We really want to trace this man, to express our sincere thanks for his brave actions above everything else. “Due to the number of other people who assisted in detaining the man he left the area prior to our arrival but we think he lives locally and would really like him to contact us. “We are also keen to speak to others who were present and again assisted in detaining the man but left prior to our arrival. “If you were there and haven’t spoken to us then please come forward and do so.” Police are encouraging the man, or anyone who knows him, as well as others who were present but left prior to police attendance to call them on 0161 856 5228.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:28:40 +0000

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