Police behavior in Kuwait with Expats I am a Pakistani - TopicsExpress


Police behavior in Kuwait with Expats I am a Pakistani businessman who was born and brought up in Kuwait. Recently I was in Dubai on official business but back here in Kuwait my wife had to go through very tough time because of the behavior of some Kuwait policemen. My wife was down in her building compound for a walk and all of sudden some policemen stopped in front of and her asked to show her ID. When she said she was living in the building and should be given 5 minutes so that she could go upstairs and get the ID, her request was rejected. The policemen insisted she should sit in the police car although she kept on repeating her request in English but they all turned down her pleas. “No English, No English, come sit in the car, come sit” they kept saying. They then took her to an officer who spoke a little English and took her finger scans. When she explained the whole issue to the officer he said “OK come out of the car & go home.” She had to go home walking from a distance as she did not even have money to pay for a taxi because she was down in the building for a walk and had not been carrying her wallet. Alhamdulilah she is safe, but those policemen misbehaved a lot with her and there is no law in the world which says anyone should behave like this with a female near her house, when she is requesting to go upstairs and get the ID. Why did they not allow her to do so? She also said she would call her mother on the cell-phone and ask her to bring the ID down. They also rejected that request. Now this is not the way to behave with a Muslim housewife living in a Muslim country. Such behavior is not acceptable. Some action must be taken against such individuals. I am a respectful resident of Kuwait and have always loved Kuwait like my home as I was born and brought up here. What can be done? Name withheld Answer: We agree with you that no misbehavior by police officers should be condoned but the steps for such an action can only be initiated by you by filing a complaint against those officers if you have any of the numbers they have on their uniforms or the number of the police car. You can file such a complaint with the police station in your area or on the Ministry of Interior website. In both cases you will need to provide your details and later your wife will have to identify those officers. You can also initiate such action through your embassy or by filing a complaint directly at the Ministry of Interior in Sharq. You can also take the interior ministry to court. So, as you see, the first step has to be taken by you by filing a formal complaint. It is only thereafter that the concerned officials will order an inquiry and the police officers will be punished if it is found that they misbehaved. The Ministry of Interior is very strict on the issue and takes immediate action when such cases are brought to their notice.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:30:49 +0000

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