Police in riot gear fired tear gas and bean-bag rounds against - TopicsExpress


Police in riot gear fired tear gas and bean-bag rounds against protesters angry over the cop shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown .. National NAACP President implored residents to turn your anger into action while condemning a violent response to Browns death,. Browns family has hired the attorney who represented the family of Trayvon Martin, a black teen shot dead in 2012 by a neighborhood watch volunteer.. Attorney Benjamin Crump said: I dont want to sugarcoat it, their baby was executed in broad daylight.. Ferguson police said on Tuesday they would not release the name of the officer involved in the shooting because of threats on social media,. Police in riot gear fired tear gas on Monday night to try to disperse an agitated crowd in a St Louis suburb where an unarmed black teenager was fatally shot by a police officer over the weekend. A large crowd built up throughout Monday at the site of a burned-out convenience store in Ferguson, according to Police Chief Tom Jackson. Demonstrators turned rowdy at nightfall, throwing rocks at police before they were dispersed by volleys of bean-bag rounds and rubber bullets. Police said at least five people were arrested. Between two nights of unrest, a community forum hosted by the local NAACP chapter on Monday drew hundreds to a sweltering church in the suburb where 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot multiple times and killed. Protesters met police with their arms raised on Monday after witnesses said that teenager Michael Brown had approached a police officer in the same way on Saturday before he was shot dead A demonstrator stands amid clouds of tear gas as police fired canisters to break up agitated crowds on Monday night The St. Louis County Police tactical officers fire tear gas in downtown Ferguson on Monday as crowds gathered to express their anger at the teenage students death at the hands of police Witnesses have said that Brown had his hands raised when the unnamed officer approached with his weapon drawn and fired repeatedly. Ferguson police said on Tuesday that they would not be revealing the name of the officer involved in the shooting because of threats made on social media. People are tired. They have reached the end of their rope, said Ruth Latchison Nichols after the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People forum, where many more were left waiting outside once the pews reached capacity. Enough is enough. This is a state of emergency. National NAACP President Cornell William Brooks implored residents to turn your anger into action while condemning a violent response to Browns death. To sneak around under the cover of darkness, to steal, to loot, to burn down your neighborhood - this does not require courage, he said. Courage is when you strive for justice. Martin Luther King did not live and die so that we may steal and lie in the middle of the night, he added. Miah White, center with purse, leads the crowd in the choir song Break Every Chain during an impromptu rally on the front steps of the Murchison Tabernacle Church on Monday. The gathering at the church was in response to the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown on Saturday A policeman wearing riot gear tries to disperse a crowd on Monday, August 11 in Ferguson. Authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to try to disperse a large crowd that had gathered at the site of a burned-out convenience store damaged a night earlier, when many businesses in the area were looted Browns family has hired Benjamin Crump, the attorney who represented the family of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager who was shot to death by a community watch volunteer George Zimmerman in 2012. Louis Head, the dead teens father, said on Monday: We need justice for our son. Michael Brown, 18, was shot dead on Saturday night in St Louis by a cop after witnesses said he walked towards them with his hands in the air He was accompanied at a podium by his devastated wife Lesley McSpadden who was barely able to hold herself up. The parents were joined by attorney Mr Crump. He said: I dont want to sugarcoat it, their baby was executed in broad daylight. Thats why people are frustrated. Mr Crump told CBS that Browns parents have called for calm as the investigation into the shooting proceeds. Respect how they raised him in the fact that he was a nonviolent kid, he said. He also called for any witnesses who had pictures or video from around the time that the 18-year-old was shot to give them to the local NAACP or family attorneys if they did not want to deal with local police. We want you in the public to know if you were a witness to what happened, dont feel intimidated come forward, the attorney added. Police in riot gear fired tear gas to disperse a crowd estimated in the hundreds gathered near a building that burned during Sunday nights rioting, he said. Fire trucks, ambulances and more officers converged on the area in a chaotic scene. One officer in riot gear stood behind a squad car in a standoff with a group of young demonstrators. Emergency services said they had responded to reports of a stabbing and a shooting, but had not confirmed such incidents and emergency workers were told later to pull back from the area. A witness in the case told local media Brown had raised his arms to police to show he was unarmed before being killed. He just graduated and was on his way to college, said Browns mother, Lesley McSpadden, speaking through tears at a news conference. She said her first-born sons first day back at school would have been Monday.My Point??? IJS,..This B.S. has GOT 2 STOP!!!! Black people this is another unfortunate murder @ the hands of law enforcement,,HOWEVER,,what is ALSO TRUE,is the fact that we bring a lot of this type of violence on OURSELVES,by the way we treat (disrespect and even murder)each other,..Im convinced that if we want respect by police(and others in society)we must drastically change our OWN behavior towards ourselves!!!!!Mannyb!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:11:49 +0000

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