Police injunction on the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline Expansion - TopicsExpress


Police injunction on the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline Expansion protesters on Burnaby mountain is being served as we speak. If you are near Vancouver, you believe in democracy, clean energy, and living in a world where the people have a voice and say over greedy oil companies, share this with those that will care and come out and offer your support against a system that is not representing us. If you would like to know more about what this is and what is happening right now, here is some more information- nsnope.org/proposed-project/ Not only is this expansion potentially disastrous ecologically, done against the wishes of the majority of B.C residents, and in violation of the rights of the indigenous peoples who have claims to the unceded lands that the pipeline expansion would pass through, it is of hardly any economic benefit to residents of B.C and would hold a huge risk to tourism and commercial fishing which provide thousands of jobs to B.Cs economy, unlike the 50 long term jobs proposed by Kinder Morgan. If built, oil tankers entering and leaving the Burrard Inlet would jump from 50 in 2012 to over 400, all carrying massive amounts of diluted toxic bitumen which is known to carry several carcinogenic compounds and neuro-toxins like benzene, to China by a company that has allowed 7 spills to occur in B.C from its current pipeline, which carries 300,000 barrels a day, in the last 10 years. The expansion would increase the amount of oil flowing into Vancouver to 890,000 barrels a day all to be sold for pennies to China and then sold back to us after being refined. This is not what a progressive country like Canada needs to be doing in a time when climate destabilization (climate change) is on the verge of destroying critical ecosystems, disrupting food systems, and making refugees of millions of people, when we have the viable resources, technology, and tools to move into sustainable clean energy alternatives. Get informed, speak up, and take action before its too late my friends. The deluded interests of the greedy few are at a tipping point of irreparably damaging our planet and its people. For all that is green and good in this world, we have to stop this from happening. Peace and Love - T Petition: https://change.org/p/national-energy-board-re-burnaby-mountain-protect-the-environment-and-the-people-not-kinder-morgan?recruiter=26184954&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_content=large Other References: vancouversun/business/Study+questions+benefits+Kinder+Morgans+proposed+Trans+Mountain/10368734/story.html theprovince/news/This+going+says+Burnaby+mayor+pipeline+protesters+arrested/10400012/story.html theprovince/news/year+Kinder+Morgan+pipeline+protesters+escorted+Burnaby/10407436/story.html
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:06:56 +0000

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