Police state USA: Border Patrol Will Continue Using Lethal Force - TopicsExpress


Police state USA: Border Patrol Will Continue Using Lethal Force on Rock-Throwers … Twenty people have been killed by the Border Patrol since 2010, and last year sixteen members of Congress demanded an investigation into the death of Anastasio Hernandez Rojas, an undocumented immigrant who was tased and beaten by Border Patrol agents. People on the Mexican side of the US border will often toss rocks at agents in order to create a diversion and open space in a nearby border area. The use of deadly force against people throwing rocks is an unfortunately common theme in these deaths; eight of the twenty people killed by the Border Patrol since 2010 were accused of throwing rocks at agents. The Border Patrol reported 185 rock attacks last year, and in twenty-two cases lethal force was used. Another forty-two times, “less-than-lethal force” was used, which can include batons and pepper spray. One particular case has galvanized activist anger against the Border Patrol: on October 10, 2012, a 16-year-old Mexican boy was shot eleven times by agents after they allegedly saw him throwing rocks in their direction. An autopsy revealed that all but one shot hit the teenager from behind. Advocates have blasted Fisher’s decision—and are shifting the ultimate responsibility for fixing the problem to President Obama. “This unacceptable statement from Border Patrol Chief Fisher is another example of the violence and impunity that has become a staple of US Border Patrol,” said Arturo Carmona, executive director of Presente.org. “Without acting to curb or even question continued and expanded Border Patrol violence, President Obama is effectively giving a license to kill Latinos on both sides of the border,” he continued. “If the president really considers himself a supporter of Latinos at the border and in the country as a whole, he needs to step in to end the irresponsible violence. The president can’t blame Republicans for the murder of innocents by Border Patrol agents he leads as commander in chief.” … thenation/blog/177027/border-patrol-will-continue-using-lethal-force-rock-throwers?rel=emailNation#
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:23:44 +0000

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