Polish Farmers - what happened during their long running shale gas - TopicsExpress


Polish Farmers - what happened during their long running shale gas protest? find out by reading the info below, sent to us from Poland: 400 days to drive out shale gas operators in Poland. Translation (not mine) a bit dodgy but some good points. Farmer Protest shared a link via Occupy Chevron Żurawlów. 29 July It was the longest lasting local protest against drilling in shale gas in the world. On Monday, July 7, 2014, at four oclock in the morning, the U.S. company Chevron employees left the village Żurawlów the Lublin region. After 400 days of continuous protest farmers mieszkankom and activists failed to stop work on shale gas. This event Ewa comment Sufin-Jacquemart, Roman Kurkiewicz and Magdalena Krysińska-Kałużna. *** Eve Sufin-Jacquemart, president of the Foundations Green Zone: The most important were the people! It was the longest lasting local protest against drilling in shale gas in the world. This was due to many factors. Firstly, before Chevron went to Żurawlowa, led the work in Rogow. After the seismic cracked wall there in a few houses and then went from there. Not yet started drilling, and now something happened. It also turned out that the government is completely uninformed. They did not know anything about the wells, the risks that they bring, not able to answer any question the residents. Through this increased reluctance to drilling. Most important, however, are the people who started and led the protest. There is one big farmer - Wiesiek Gryn, who with his family cultivates 700 hectares. If not for him, toby many have failed. Wiesiek granted in the agricultural organizations, has authority. Interestingly, at the beginning he was not averse from drilling. He changed his mind, like other farmers, after what happened in Rogow. They learned, too, that are under enormous aquifers, and if one is contaminated, it touches it all. The organizational occupied largely Basia Siegienczuk and Andrzej Bak - they are out of town, from Zamosc. They had a sufficient level of knowledge and experience to get it to take. It is still a very wise and balanced the mayor, Emil Jablonski. And after a while they began to arrive, young people from across the Polish. They wanted to help. The more matter Żurawlowa began to spread in the world, the more we all had a sense of great responsibility. Stopped being only about Żurawlów. She stepped out of the story of David and Goliath. We had a feeling that if we give up, that no one else will no longer even think about it, to be organized. Important role in the success of residents Żurawlowa also played himself Chevron. The company put a lot of money in the image campaign. They spoke in spots, as care for the environment, working conditions and relations with local communities. A reality we all know. Farmers sued for calling others to resist. Still pending eight cases in court. The most absurd allegations fell at Andrew Gryn. In court, several police officers testified that invaded the territory belonging to Chevron. The problem is that the judge realized that witnesses saw him for the first time on the eyes only in the courtroom. Even worse things happened in Romania, where protests were brutally suppressed, and the villagers prevented life at every turn. In Chevronie someone had to finally realize that the contrast between the image campaign and the actual practice is injurious for them. I am in constant contact with people from Żurawlowa. Since last Monday, we hope that this is finally over. Although Chevron cars departed from the village in a manner at least strange. Stealthily, about four in the morning. By then, the outbound path was blocked by farmers, corporate employees have to go under the windows of the residents. You jumped in pajamas, so to photograph this cowardly escape. Hope that this is the end, does not come from nowhere. A month ago, Chevron employees left the Ministrówki in the municipality of Miączyn. Its not far Żurawlowa. They made holes for water intake, but immediately after that they took all the equipment. They left empty fence and theres no sign that they wanted to defend well then. At the same time, also packed their equipment in Romania, in Pungeşti. There protests proceeded much more brutal than ours, but they managed to get rid of Chevron. The great strength of the protesters is that they do not work alone, but in the network. The most active committees opposed to from drilling conducted by Chevron operate in five countries - Argentina, Ecuador, Romania, the United States and Nigeria. May 21 in an international day of mobilization against Chevron signed a declaration affected by this company. Now there are signatures of more than 200 organizations from around the world. Residents of Żurawlowa are also involved in a nationwide network - Złupieni.pl. They work together with people from Kashubian, Lubusz, Mazovia. They organize workshops and, of course, cooperate with European countries. The result of this cooperation, inter alia, an open letter to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who alleged environmental organizations that work with the command of Russia and local tycoons gas. The presence of Chevron in Żurawlowie came to an end, at least we hope so, but the employees of the company not yet pulled out from the Lublin region. It is possible that drilling will be carried out in the municipality of Susiec, on Roztoczu. Żurawlów has sent an open request for PGNiG, whether they intend to drill in the Lublin region, because their findings with Chevron are unclear. First report that they only have an obligation to provide a research, and when there are difficult questions, they begin to weave. The near future will be centered around the mites. But we can not forget about winning the Żurawlowie. It would not be him, if not incredible mobilization of inhabitants, international cooperation and unrelenting insolence Chevron, which provoked all the action. *** Roman Kurkiewicz, journalist, activist: Lets move the capital to Żurawlowa! The fact that a small group of people, women farmers, farmers, residents and residents of a small village near Zamosc Żurawlów is able to win the global giant company Chevron, and banish it from their homes after a 400-day continuous protest and vigilant activity - especially enjoys . It shows that even a small community that has demonstrated an extraordinary, unprecedented determination, citizenship, can win in an unequal confrontation. Its not just a symbolic scene of endless skirmishes David and Goliath. This situation shows that, alone of all the parties: the state, including the police and the voivode, government, the media (media too far to Żurawlowa, except as power are up to their ears in love with shales, not really seeing that no reciprocity and the detriment of the living people) - with themselves, their fidelity to the associated rights and care about more than immediate benefits (and indeed were tempted ...) - steadfast and witnessed how the dead of night trains from exhaust pipes hunched last vehicles Chevron, the company, which for its sins prosecuted is the highest in the history of punishment tens of billions of dollars. They won those without money, without support (not counting clumps activists, environmentalists and the Greens), you zagonieni new law and dream about the power of the gas wealth. What is a victory? And real and symbolic. And, unfortunately, it is also a victory in battle, not the war being fought on uneven footing. On one side is so the government (without changing the public debate and geological and mining law in the interests of the major global mining companies), in which the Minister of the Environment (it would seem that a natural ally of the protesters) is a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Economy to facilitate shale depredation country. On the same side of global companies, including subsidiaries of Gazprom, which is after all an explanation instant offensive shale, having given independence from Russian gas. And on the other - a group of people who ask simple questions: What about the water after fracturing?, Which in our land? What about the damage, for which, under the revised law shall not be liable destructive?, Which in our ways unfit to enter the heavy equipment? These questions can not hear the response from either the state or from Chevron, which physically in front of them fled, getting into their cars. Żurawlów gained the interest and sympathy of dozens of countries and local media. Least likely interested in the Polish journalists. Nevertheless, you should be happy that the tenacity of its people, peasant and babskiemu, we began to hear the voice of doubt to the procedures and rights belonging to the big players in the market extraction, at the expense of ordinary citizens. This and each subsequent row (in terms of enthusiasm shale mainstream parties again like each other do not differ) will have to finally begin to answer the questions asked by the protesters and talk about it. Because if not, then you will finally move the capital to Żurawlowa. There were witnesses to care about the future of the Republic. I praise you for this, defenders and protectors Żurawlowa! *** Magdalena Krysińska-Kałużna, ethnologist: Żurawlow is not Manhattan Stuffed tigers, 600 meters walkway for pedestrians, St. Nicholas gifts for preschoolers, computers for high school students ... When I read about the presents that Chevron offered to residents Żurawlowa, where they were to be carried out shale gas exploration, I remembered the story of the Huaorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon. There, oil companies bought some Indians boat engines or chainsaws. Assumed that those who receive the gifts look more favorably on the corporate presence on their land, and during the consultation agree to conduct drilling. During the ceremony, which took place in areas Huaorani in 1993, shortly after the Indians agreed to conduct work there by Maxus, the daughter of the president of Ecuador, Alicia Durán Ballén, took off her gold earrings and handed them to one of the women Huaorani, speaking English to the rest of the government delegation: Do you think it was a good replacement?. Mark Wiznitzer, political advisor to the U.S. embassy said: In this way we have gained Manhattan. Month and a half ago to Żurawlowa came two Argentines working to improve the living conditions of local communities and a clean environment inhabited by the Mapuche region of Neuquén. Extraction of shale gas is prepared there on a large scale. During the talks with Polish farmers have come to the conclusion that the methods of operation of mining companies in Argentina and Poland are basically the same. Both Ecuador and Argentina ratified Convention 169 of the International Labour Organisation, which requires, inter alia, requirement to consult with indigenous peoples exploration and exploitation of fossil areas inhabited by it. Signing contracts with mining companies, the Huaorani do not know what will be the consequences. In negotiations with such strong actors should have received government support. However, this was not possible, because the government is in the negotiations on the opposite side of the table. Even the relevant legal regulations, if they are not backed up by actions of the government and NGOs, will not work in a situation where the balance of power is significantly disrupted. When the government washes its hands of controlling the actions of corporations, is that the rules of the game were normal and were respected, they must take care of the citizens themselves. Goodbye, Chevron! [komentarze] krytykapolityczna.pl To był najdłużej trwający lokalny protest przeciwko odwiertom w poszukiwaniu gazu łupkowego na.. https://facebook/FarmersProtest
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:57:38 +0000

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