Political Developments in Barotseland Dear Editor, Kindly post - TopicsExpress


Political Developments in Barotseland Dear Editor, Kindly post this to your online newspaper. We are thankful for informing us through various media including Radio Barotseland that I listen and follow the live interviews with interest. kudos Barotsepost!! Precisely on 14th August I am a sitting on my office chair, I am tipped that Barotseland Administrator was taking oath; I gladly log on to my computer and it was a momentous occasion to see Mr. Afumba take oath as transitional Administrator for my motherland, the Royal Kingdom of Barotseland. This development is marking a generation for we have been in servitude for 49 years since the signing of that null and defunct agreement the BLA 1964. This is commendable children of the black bulls and we rally behind Linyungandambo, BFA, BFM and the international community for making this a reality! Kudos Mr. Afumba and others for operating underground yet working to making sure Barotseland attains her freedom. To confirm it I am on the phone and I am speaking to the Linyungambo chairperson of Kalabo in Barotseland and indeed he confirms the massive jubilations on the streets of mapa and Kalabo boma; he however stresses the oppressive Zambian regime of the neighbouring failed state of Northern Rhodesia or Zambia if you like is on rampant arresting the free mandelas of Barotseland including their civil servants. Even as they are wrongfully detained, tortured, shot at and made to live as exiles in their own kingdom; they chant freedom, death to intimidation and nothing else. It’s a conviction we have made and we shall defeat the Zambian regime, you (Zambia) will not outlast us; Our resolve is stronger. I am actually told its the entire Barotseland that is at CROSSROADS; all the States of Kalabo, Sinanga, Lukulu, Kaoma, Shangombo and Mungu are jubilant; they are aware that independence brings with it the true unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The oppressive regime of Northern Rhodesia is aware that Barotses have reached a point of no return on freeing Barotseland, they are however still playing gun boot tactics and govern Barotseland by the Burrell of a gun which they eventually will fail . I am advising the PF regime to desist because they shall be tried by the ICC for crimes against humanity they are committing on us the Barotses. We want to be free and have nothing to do with Zambia. To the PF regime and Michael Sata I remind you of what you said at the Blue gums in relation to the defunct BLA 64, you yourself know the legitimacy of our cause; why buying time? why buying time? Be honourable and leave Luyiland to us, you have no powers in Barotseland. I am calling on you Rhodesians to unconditionally release all our POLITICAL DETAINEES and leave Barotseland to us. To the people of Barotseland, home and away I say we are our own liberators, the struggle continues and thus never lose hope. It’s a luta continua, e a vitoria e certa! I again remind you of the gallant men and women who have died and some of which are imprisoned for this cause; we are reminded to reflect and take this conscientiously as not doing so will dishonor our fallen heroes and freedom fighters. Thank you God bless Barotseland. Mwanangombe Lubinda – Huambo Angola. - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/commentaries/letters-to-editor/442-political-developments-in-barotseland#sthash.bZvUnYcY.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 04:57:05 +0000

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