Political History: Ancient Period) 1. Which Gupta ruler had led a - TopicsExpress


Political History: Ancient Period) 1. Which Gupta ruler had led a compaign to the south and was an expert Veena player? fl.Tax. & Central Excise,91) (a) Chandra Gupta I (b) Samudragupta (c) Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya (d) Skanda Gupta 2. In which century did Ashoka reign? (Railways, 1991) (a) Second century B.C. (b) Third century B.C. (c) Second century A.D. (d) Third century A.D. 3. The medUim of exchange in gold during the Gupta period was known as the (a) Dinara (b) Dramma (c) Karshapana (d) Suvarna 4. Ashokas claim of greatness chiefly lay in the (Transmission Executives Exam, 1992) (a) Promotion of welfare of his people (b) Extensive conquests (c) Strengthening of army (d) Exclusive patronage to Buddhism 5. Kanishkas capital was at (a) Amravati (b) Kanauj (c) Mathura (d) Peshawar 6. Which of the following rulers was adorned with the title of Maharajadhiraja (King of Kings)? (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Kanishka (c) Chandragupta I (d) Ashoka 7. Ashokas invasion of Kalinga resulted in (C.D.S. 1991) (a) Peaceful relations with Kalinga. (b) The development of peace and non-violence as state policy. (c) Wealth and prosperity Of Mauryan empire. (d) Victory to the policy of war and territorial conquests. 8. Who among the following has been called the Napoleon of India? (a) Samudragupta (b) Chandragupta (c) Ashoka (d) Harshavardhana 9. Who amongst the following kings defeated Harshas army on the bank of river Narmada? (Transmission Exutives Exam, 1994) (a) Krishnadeva Raya (b) Pulakesin II (c) Rajendra I (d) Rajendra Chola 10. The achievements of Samudragupta are described in the (CJD.S. 1991) (a) Hatigumpha inscription (b) Allahabad Pillar inscription (c) Girnar inscription (d) Sarnath inscription 11. Saka era started from (a) 78 B.C. (b) 78 A.D. (c) 300 B.C. (d) 124 A.D. 12. Which one of the following important trade centres of ancient India was on the trade route connecting Kalyana with Vengi? (I.A.S. 1994) (a) Tagara (b) Sripura (c) Tripuri (d) Tamralipti 13. Gupta dynasty was famous for (a) Art and architecture (b) Imperialism (c) Revenue and land reforms (d) Patronage of literary work 14. Kharavela ruled over (NJXA. 1991) (a) Malwa (b) Magadha (c) Gandhara (d)Kalinga 15. Who among the following earned the title of a Liberator? (a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (b) Ashoka (c) Chandragupta Maurya (d) Alexander 16. Ashoka was famous for (a) His vast empire (b) Preaching ahimsa (c) Following the path of Buddha (d) All of the above 17. The first metallic coin used in India was in (a) Western India (b) Central India (c) South India (d) Bihar and eastern U.P. 18. Kanishka organised the fourth Buddhist Council with a view to (a) Compiling the original Buddhist texts (b) Honouring the Buddhist scholar Ashvaghosha (c) Reviving the Buddhist Sangha (d) Examining the Buddhist scriptures and preparing commentaries 19. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras? (a) The Minor Rock Edicts (b) The two Kalinga Edicts (c) Arthashastra (d) Indica 20. Sake era was founded by (C.D.S. 1989) (a) Ashoka (b) Harsna (c) Kanishka (d) Vikramaditya 21. The valleys of Indus, Ganga and Jamuna were brought together for the first time under one political authority by (Transmission Exutives Exam, 1992) (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Ashoka (c) Chandragupta II (d) Prithvi Raj Chauhan 22. Which of the following Gupta rulers was equally great in the art of peace, wars and personal accomplishment? (a) Chandragupta I (b) Chandragupta II (c) Samudragupta (d) Skandagupta 23. Indicate the correct chronological order of dynasties in North-west India (I.E.S. 1991) (a) Kushanas, Sakas, Parthians (b) Sakas, Kushanas, Parthians (c) Parthians, Sakas, Kushanas (d) Sakas, Parthians, Kushanas 24. Which Kushanas King assumed the title the Lord of the whole world? (a) Kadphises I (b) Kadphises II (c) Kanishka (d) Huvishka 25. Who among the following assumed the title of Ksitipasatapatih (Lord of hundred Kings)? (a) Samudragupta (b) Chandragupta (c) Skandagupta (d) Chanakya 26. Which of the following was the contemporary Bengal King during the time of Harsha of Kanauj? (i.A.S.1990) (a) Bhaskaravarman (b) Divakaramitra (c) Devagupta (d) Sasanka 27. The most famous Saka ruler in India was (N.D.A. 1992) (a) Menander (b) Gautamiputra Satakarni (c) Kadphises II (a) Rudradaman I 28. Dhanvantri, a renowned physician of ancient- India, adorned the court of (a) Samudragupta (b) Ashoka (c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (d) Kanishka 29. The monk whom Chandragupta Maurya accompanied to South India was (a) Asvaghosha (b) Vasumitra (c) Upagupta (d) Bhadrabahu 30. Bimbisara was the ruler of (I.F.S. 1989) (a) Magadh (b) Avadh (c) Kamboja (d) Gandhara 31. Who among the following rulers held a religious assembly at Prayag every five years? a. Tax. & Central Excise, 1993) (a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka (c) Harshavardhana (d) Chandragupta Vikramaditya 32. The earliest example of a land grant is provided by an inscription of (C.BJ. 1989, C.D.S.1995) (a) The Guptas (b) The Maury as (c) The Satavahanas (d) The Mahameghavahanas 33. Ashoka the Great, died in (C.B.1.1989) (a) 206 B.C. (b) 216 B.C. (c) 226 B.C. (d) 232 B.C. 34. Which Minor Rock Edict of Ashoka describes the conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka? (a) No. X (b) No. XI (c) No. XII (d) No. XIII 35. Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days at (UD.C.1989) (a) Ujjain (b) Nalanda (c) Sravanabelagola (d) Patna 36. The immortal fame of Ashoka largely rests upon (a) His conversion to Buddhism and its propagation. (b) His policy for the welfare of his subjects. (c) His work in the sphere of religion and moral teachings. (d) His extensive conquests. • 37. Kautilya was the Prime Minister of which of the following Indian rulers? (Railways, 1994) (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Chandragupta I (c) Ashoka (d) Harshavardhana 38. Which of the following ancient Indian states was an autonomous republic? a -F.S, 1989) (a) Magadh (b) Kosala (c) Anga (d) Sakya 39. Amongst the following, who contributed most to the Bhagvata cult? (Teachers Exam, 1994) (a) Parthians (b) Indo-Greeks (c) Kushanas (d) Guptas 40. The Greek ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya was (a) Hiuen Tsang (b) Fahien (c) Megasthenes (d) Seleucus 41. Ashoka Pillar at Allahabad provides information about the reign of (UJ).C. 1994) (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Chandragupta I (c) Samudragupta (d) Chandragupta II 42. King Harshavardhana lived in (Stenographers Exam, 1989) (a) 2nd century A.D. (b) 2nd century B.C. (c) 7th century A.D. (d) 7th century B.C. 43. The Arab conquest of Sind took place in (a) 712 A.D. (b) 740 A.D. (c) 1001 A.D. (d) 1009 A.D. 44. During the Mauryan period, the administration of Pataliputra was in the hands of……… boards (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 45. In Ashokas administration, Rajukas looked after (a) Religious matters (b) Collection of taxes (c) Municipal administration (d) Administration of justice 46. Chalukya ruler, Pulakesin II defeated (Railways, 1992) (a) Dharmpala (b) Samudragupta (c) Harshavardhana (d) Chandragupta II 47. King Piyadassi referred to in some ancient Indian inscriptions is identified with (IF-S. 1989) (a) Samudragupta (b) Chandragupta Maurya (c) Bimbisara (d) Ashoka 48. The Mauryan dynasty was overthrown by (a) Harsha (b) Samudragupta (c) Pushyamitra Sunga (d) Kanishka 49. Which of the following regions did not form the part of Ashokas Empires? (a) Kashmir (c) Madras (b) Taxila (d) Kanauj 50. Match the following King Deed A. Rudradaman 1. Performance of Asvamedha 2. Defeat of Sakas 3. Repair of Sudarsana lake B. Gautamiputra 4. Patronage of Jainism C. Kharavela D. Samudragupta ABCD ABCD (a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 1 2 34 (d) 2 3 14
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:09:26 +0000

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