Political Killings In Ekiti Governor Kayode Fayemi Must Speak - TopicsExpress


Political Killings In Ekiti Governor Kayode Fayemi Must Speak Act! By Kayode Ogundamisi November 8, 2013 - 15:35 — siteadmin caption: Gov. Kayode Fayemi By Kayode Ogundamisi The media has been awash with reports of killing and intimidation of perceived or real political opponents in Ekiti. The general perception is that supporters of Governor Kayode Fayemi are behind these dastardly acts. This is one politically masterminded killing too many. It behoves on Governor Kayode Fayemi to use his good offices to ensure that whoever was behind the reported liking of Mr Foluso Ogundare and assault on Mrs Beatrice Ige must face the full weight of the law accordingly. It is also important that such expectedly corrective or punitive actions must be transparent at all stages. Less of which Governor Fayemi’ s silence and body language will be taken as a tacit support for these heinous acts. And that, surely, will diminish his reputation. Governor Fayemi should flash back to the evil reign of the People’s Democratic Party and the hounding of political opponents by his predecessors, no one will forget in a hurry 14 Aug 2006 when a gubernatorial aspirant in Ekiti state, Professor Ayo Daramola was killed in cold blood that is one dark period in Ekiti. Dr Kayode Fayemi was elected on the platform of change and respect for human dignity; himself and his supporters faced unprecedented attack from supporters of then Governor Segun Oni of the People’s Democratic Party. Fayemi literarily had to seek political asylum in Ondo state until the courts restored the mandate bestowed on him by the people of Ekiti State. I have known and related with Dr Fayemi for years and have no doubt about his democratic credentials, I also know him to be a champion for human and democratic rights, however his silence and body language as it relates political assassination under his watch is worrisome to those of us who can call him a friend. The alleged perpetuators are said to be his supporters, media reports allege the alleged killer of Mr Foluso Ogundare is a serving lawmaker in the Ekiti State House of Assembly. The perpetuator must be identified and brought to justice, the Governor should immediately disassociate himself from anyone perpetuating violence, and political intimidation in his name, if the perpetuators are members of his political party, they must be expelled, sanctioned and handed them over to law enforcement agents without political interference. Reports of violence in Ekiti is not limited to Dr Fayemi’ s supporters alone, all sides in the gubernatorial race have been implicated in various forms of violence and intimidation. All sides must have a rethink and let the people of Ekiti decide who will govern them in 2014. If Dr Fayemi does not do the needful I strongly believe his records will be tainted by self- serving bootlickers who perpetuate violence in his name just to fulfil their own ambition, if the silence from Ekiti Government House continues, observers will have no option than conclude that power seems to have consumed the good character of another ‘activist’ and known campaigner for human and democratic rights and that another hope is betrayed. A word is good enough for the wise. You can follow Kayode Ogundamisi on the twitter handle @ogundamisi
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 17:20:42 +0000

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